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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Oh yeah! That's a neat one too! I don't know enough to say that's an outrageous color, but it 'feels' unusual and fun. And it's also a great example of how the 'character line' can suddenly stop one pattern and start something else. ( : (And skipping one ahead, since you mentioned 'polish', I should admit to trying an experiment here. Seemed like a good idea at the time to see if a little bit of non-stick cooking spray rubbed into the marble would make it look nice. Didn't seem to hurt anything, but I'll have to give the mib a cleaning and try a similar shot to see.)
  2. Yours too! I've been wondering why doubles aren't more popular. Even nice ones frequently sell for cheap. Maybe they look 'damaged' to some people, but to me it's all about 'character lines'. Whoops. zz sneaked one in there while I was writing slowly. I'll have to check that one out in a minute.
  3. Gotta like it! Especially when you consider catfish's "years worth of enjoyment" concept. Today's inferior board games can only promise "hours of entertainment" at best!
  4. Thanks very much for the thoughts, but the birthday belonged to two other people, not me. All three of us are a little 'outside of the box' and it's likely our conversation didn't make it very clear what was going on.
  5. Thanks for the responses and laughs. Chordus! Look over there!!! (Hey, Everybody else! (Shhhhhh....) Watch out for this Chordus guy! I made this post at my most demented, and he totally 'got' it!)
  6. It's sitting on an upside down what most people would call an Akro Agate 'Cornucopia'. Glad you noticed that little green spot. Have no idea if the serious Akro people would consider that an imperfection or an interesting oddity, but I like it. Any other greenish in the photo is moon or marble 'glow'. The 'horn' (another less common word) is a pure ivory white and blue otherwise. Thanks to everyone for responses, Bob ( :
  7. Having found myself suddenly wide awake in the middle of night and given the choice, I think I'll go for the spirits of wine over the urinous lixivium. I like the ransom note look too!
  8. Not as cool as Bill's "Catz Eyez:-)", but not bad. It only just hit me how many great photos have been posted recently by quite a few different people. Hope everyone keeps it up. It's been great!
  9. Hey Rich! Neat post, and a salute for the self-discipline! It's almost painful to have a fun idea for a topic, but to have to hold yourself back from posting until the required time has passed to get it all put together. My best luck has been with Jabo Aces. Here's a shot of the 'S for Steph' marble. For those who've never tried it, a well-made jewelry box is possibly the ultimate small and light weight way to safely ship a marble. Remove the innards and add foam to the top and bottom with a little bit of a circular indent in both and you have a seriously bomb-proof package. Wanted to mention the reasoning behind it, because a lady friend at the time saw the shot and responded with "You PROPOSED to her with a marble!?" Gulp. So hopefully there'll be no gossip, rumor, or speculation as a result. Aw heck, what am I worried about? That kind of thing doesn't go on here!
  10. I like the Les Jones Marble. It seems fitting that a marble made as a memorial/tribute should come out so attractive and distinctive. I was a little confused by marblemansion's mib at first, too. But when things finally clicked into place I concluded that, as a gentleman of subtlety, David wasn't going to come right out and say "I know a Hybrid-Snotty when I see one!"
  11. And Gene, I'm going to come straight out and ask the question that I think is on many of our minds. Before any of us accept your coffee invitation, would you tell us if there's a new sediment filter for the coffee water?
  12. Just got a pound of Sumatra beans yesterday. I'm stuck in the Melitta middle with David. Haven't used a lowly (that's the coffee snobs talking, not me!) percolator, but neither have I tried the much-praised French press. ( :
  13. And thanks for the compliment with the no-extra-charge encouraging smiley! (I needed that.) David, I don't remember if the marbles were originally described by maker or not. I've drastically cut down on my purchases recently by limiting myself to marbles which give me an immediate idea for what I hope will be a good photo. Once that process starts, if the maker of the marble isn't integral I'm likely to forget, which luckily frees up my remaining half-dozen brain cells to concentrate on getting the image just right.
  14. I thought MARBLEMISER's 'stream of consciousness' thoughts were brilliant. And, like him, admired David's energy-efficient approach as well. Also thoroughly enjoyed JVVmarbles' viewpoint, because I 'saw the light' recently. Was looking at the two marbles shown below, and thinking along the lines of "Gee, I sure wish I could afford really interesting marbles in the shooter+ sizes I like in NM or better condition!" But as I continued to look at them they kept looking better. "They're shooters!", I thought. "If they didn't look like this, then probably no one thought they were very good at it!" It's hard to explain, but I had a lot more feeling for them after that lightbulb went off.
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