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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Oof! "Kicked in the butt by marbles!" examples from SlaggyMay and FIRE81! It's great to see people contributing to the Color of the Month right to the end. Cheers, Bob
  2. What a beauty! And no "messing" around with the camera shots here! Great photos that do justice to their subject! Am I using too many exclamations! Bob!
  3. Gee, Sue! It's too bad you have such a one-of-a-kind marble that you would never consider selling, thus preventing the formation of a supply/demand ratio. Technically it'll never be "worth" anything! ( : Really something! Bob
  4. Didn't expect it, but the idea of pink really made for a good thread! Thanks for the thoughts and technical concepts, Bob
  5. Holy cow. My normal tendency would be to think that marbles should contrast with their background. But that's an awesome photograph, beautifully put-together! Bob
  6. Hey, Bill! Thanks for the link. Didn't catch it at first. And to you and Gary, I know I just saw a real nice "Liberty" earlier tonight, while doing my standard searches. It wasn't from a traditional maker, so some people might object to the seller using the "Liberty" name, but if I'm remembering correctly it was very well done and what I'd consider a bargain. I'll post the link if I can find it. And thank you Vets and all others for the time you spent making us the luckiest people in the world! Cheers, Bob
  7. Geesh, Sue! I'm getting a little overloaded lately with 'blow my mind' stuff! It just keeps getting better! Perhaps in the future if you have anything like this to post you could add this simple whatchmacallit to the subject line. B.M.S.Y.I.A.R.M.S.B.Y.D.P.T.A.A.L.T.M.C. (See? Easy, like adding O.T.!) This would translate to "Bob! Make sure you're in a relaxed mental state before you download pictures, thus avoiding any life-threatening medical complications!"
  8. I hope it's considered acceptable to post a link to an auction piece. Wouldn't of course post a picture by itself without permission, but assume a seller wouldn't mind someone going 'look at this!' I hadn't heard of this artist before, and the marble kind of knocked my socks off, so wanted to pass it on to those who've recently expressed an interest in seeing contemporary artists' work. Bob http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...52BSI%26otn%3D4
  9. Thanks for the snotty reference!
  10. Are there really marbles called "Snotties"? They look much nicer than they sound. Bob
  11. The exceptionally rare "Welch's and Custard"! Welcome aboard, Bob
  12. Immediate response to the purple contemporaries was a Batman flashback of 'BAM' 'POW' and of course 'ZABOO'! Wild! Bob
  13. Already looks like this is going to be a good one! Bob
  14. They Deco patterns look really nice as a contrast to the soft swirls and patches. I don't think they'd work well with highly-detailed or angular pattern marbles. For example, the marbles that you see above under Charles' and Galen's member names, magnificent as they are, wouldn't do the boxes justice and more so vice-versa. Cheers, Bob
  15. Just realized that it wouldn't be very sporting of me not to post a clear marble this month. Bob
  16. Hey, Everyone! Sorry about this, but I can't help myself. No posting problems; what I have is a problem signing-in. I get to the log-in page with no problems, but then I invariably sit back in my chair, heave a deep relaxing sigh in anticipation of the enjoyment I always get from TMC, and start typing my username. But it doesn't work because the cursor isn't already in place. Is there any way to fix this that isn't a royal pain in the caboose? Thanks! Bob
  17. Good vid-cap! If that's what an untuned single-frame looks like, the film footage must be really good. I think I just bought that last marble that took the big hit in King of the Hill. The seller only showed it from one angle. Damn.
  18. Thanks, Bo! But please at least let me pay for the shipping! Very nice. Bob
  19. Geesh, Sue, I haven't even managed to get one(!) of those yet. But it's an exceptionally good point! A point which has now officially taken me out of the frying pan and put me in the fire. Although I'm sure my current state of "trouble" is just amateur stuff compared to what some long-term enthusiasts have dealt with on occasion! Cheers, Bob
  20. As an old soda bottle enthusiast, I'd have to say that the red white and blue marble referred to in the wish-list (I'm looking at the marble one up and one over from the lower right corner of the photograph) is clearly a Master Marble "Pepsi" Sunburst. (Hope everyone knows I'm kidding!) But I am kind of excited by this. It might be time for me to start working on a sub-collection of marbles which could have been called Pepsi's but weren't. Commented recently on someone's hand-made contemporary which I considered to be 'the most beautiful Pepsi ever made". Could do the same thing with Seven-Up's! Oh boy I'm in trouble. A marbly cheers, Bob
  21. Thanks to everyone; these are all beautiful! I think this was an 'undiscovered' favorite color of mine. Bob
  22. Oh, the Crackerjack commercial is great! And it was the marble that 'sold' the guy!!! I actually remember that one! Dang, I'm old. As a construction worker, I, too, really can't go to the video store and ask for 'Little Lord Fauntleroy'. (It's a "Man thing!") But if the marbles there are shown as clearly as in the ad then I think you've obligated yourself to make some vid-caps! Hee-hee!, Bob
  23. An interesting thing to me about almost anyone's idea of 'pistachio' is that it seems to need a little bit of 'creaminess'. The best analogy I can think of would be if you were trying to mix paint of this color. You just couldn't do it using only the components of green. You'd have to make a darker green than you wanted and then add white. (Possibly some other things as well, but I have no idea.) Cheers, Bob
  24. If Jill Marie is anything like me she won't be responding for a while. She's too busy dancing around singing "I have a prize-winning mar-ble!" Or at least admiring it for long periods of time. Sorry, J.M., if you're not as silly as I am.
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