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Everything posted by duffy

  1. maybe they was used in an air tank (scuba) compressor for water filters.
  2. duffy

    Neat Little Box

    its a cereal company from california. i got a lot off ebay with a bunch of 50s premuims in it.hope the loma linda folks can id this cartoon dude hey peewee ya out there??? it sez copr jon arthur i got no clue .there was some phantom stuff in there,too heres some more of the stuff that was in the lot...bunch more
  3. duffy

    Neat Little Box

    yup pale one them sure nuff is. btw did ya get that punkin bread yet????
  4. chris...the way i display mine is in a riker mount and hang it on the wall using a thingy thats used to display a plate on the wall. you could use a picture frame if you could find one big enuff
  5. them there those look like them old beer joint bowlin balls
  6. the marbles look like ravenswoods to me . hard to tell bout the box,theres tons of em out there but the marbles are old.
  7. alley made the game marbles for pressman. also made the chiquita toy dishes for them too. i would say the marbles are origional and made at the st marys alley plant. ill try to go to the archives and look for some that i dug for comparison. but im purty sure. other mosaic games from germany had clays and foil kinda clays. probably not seconds just game marbles where quality was not the highest priority.
  8. now im really baffled ron shaws dont look like nothing i was taught was the kato. wheres the torguise? oh well steve
  9. you'd have to see it in hand sandy. its not a girlscout, not green yellow. my pics haint that great. there is blue in that mib. its turquoise believe me... i've never seen a kato with that oxblood that's what i was sayin chris. and turquoise is blue green not midnight blue. im not argurin about it im just statin what the guy told me who buys my top mks. it goes back to the old sayin, its yours call it what you want. lololol im done---- its a kato steve
  10. dont look blue green enuff sandy, its also got the st marys eye thing goin on....hybrid. but not the kato. the ones ive seen were really a turquoise color. they're like a cubscout/girlscout ribbons laid over each other. i posted pics of one the other day but i lost the pics right now. they sell purty good when they're right and for purty good money. btw ive seen 6 of em. they're really hard to find, the oxblood dont really mix in there either.
  11. nope that's not a kato. sorry steve
  12. kewl thanks bob, im sure everybody would like to see it steve
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