the past owner of a mk site let people dig on her property for 100$ an hour...and believe me it was timed....the other site the cops have my info and haint allowed back...unscruplious people ruin the digs at every site...leave garbage -leave holes not covered....etc-etc....the guy that owned the one mk site shut it off when a couple had their infant down there...granted there is honest folk but the city of paden city has passed an ordinance against diggin for marbles...people still do it..i guess they can afford a thousand dollar fine....they said there is health issues with all the chemicals thats in there....and on the other hand its not easy....hard work and ive cut myself bunches of time...gary its not as exotic and glamorous as you would imagine unless you like poision ivy skeeters and snakes...and mud.....ive found some nice stuff diggin and did most of mine in cold weather...its better than on a 80 degree 75 % humidy day...