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Everything posted by duffy

  1. if you look for the "v" youll miss out on a lot of marbles...whoever told you that was misinformed....while many conquers display the "v", not all do....some other styles have em but its an anomily...lotsa people collect them....lotsa jabo marbles have the trait and some have kinda a corkscrew...get ya an american machine made marbles book by six metzler and johnson....its most helpful...of the four marbles you posted the top one is a vitro....the others...jabo...
  2. ive seen the book a few times but the full set is neat....vitro made some for hom back in the day..when they was in parkersburgh and washington they wanted the bigger marbles and vitro had a machine on loan from hom that wasnt included in the sale to jabo...the machine went to mid atlantic then to england...i think those big cosmic rainbows were made on the hom machine...hom got marbles from most of the west virginia companies...the complete set is kewl tho....
  3. nice find howard....those look like big vacors....
  4. happy birthday to the brown farmer.....
  5. in moundsville wv there was a fostoria plant and i was told there was a dump up grave mound creek with tons of marbles...i tried several times to find it but was not sucessful.....the guy told me there were clearies therebut like i said i never found it....
  6. not necessarily there jack....but that might be the sellin point for that there mib....some go thru the dollar bins lookin for the v's....
  7. bogard used red all the time...in fact they used tail lights outta ford rejects....i was told at cario that the glass came there in rail cars and distrributed to other makers....
  8. thats an older jabo prob later 90s early 00s....
  9. no rain today---no rain friday...rain saturday in the early mornin...prob stops around 10 am or so...be a good afternoon of marblin...then saturday night itll prob rain again...sunday same scenario...dont let a little wet streets keep yaall away...the weather will be just fine...remember-- its september in the ohio valley....they can call for rain in parkersburgh and nary a drop in new martinsville... http://www.wunderground.com/US/WV/Sistersville.html
  10. very kewl...i got some of the 3/4...im holdin them for s-ville...i got some cullet,too..but that piece is real nice....
  11. lolol i saw that,too...i never got that rendition of the story....
  12. the ones pictured are 5/8...ive got a few 3/4 but the ones im sellin is 5/8
  13. i dont think that size is the thumbpot...the thumbpot fits on your thumb......they are a little more harder to find....the one you described could be worth 10$ or so depending on color....
  14. im going down thurs to set up my canopy...i was plannin of goin down after lunch....
  15. went to the factory today and picked these metalic swirls up...the aluminum is from lawn chairs put in the mix....send me a message if youd like to get some
  16. this board is a shadow of itself of the 7 years ive been comin here....theres only a handful of the posters left...definatily less than 25...its really fell in the last couple years....excessive postin and people tryin to get the knowledge out of folks that took many hours of discussion at marble shows-meetings and personal get-togethers...then takin the learned info and turnin words around so that its the same answer---but asked in another way...it haint rocket science people...its suppossed to be fun--- not a contest of whose the smartest or the most prolific reasearcher or the person with the most extensive or expensive collection....i dont go to columbus anymore cause i heard one of the christensen collectors say in the hall -- who in their right mind would bring marble king to the higher end show???? it was a riker case with a watermelon --green hornet---dragonfly and others....after i asked him if he ever had a scum-bag marble king collector kick his ass , his comment was he didnt know he was talkin so loud...lolol....we laffed it off but i told him i wouldnt be back-and i haint since....then the infamous joker run when the decievery and underhandeness came to the head...the post came so fast about who was the best author ...whose book was best...some books haint even been written yet...people were plied with marbles to make untrue statements then when they were called out on it edited their posts to make the the person callin em out look like they were attackin em...that was really the downfall...but it all boils down to jelousy....people overhyped the first few of those jabo marble runs to death and folks just turned em off....but my advesary galen was oblivious to anything but his mission....and the tone of those posts slipped into others and many collectors b.s detectors just exploded....i would think that if ya got a couple thousand posts in a year your kinda over exposin yourself.....and here like in life the squeeky wheel gets the grease...thick skin???or thick skull???i would say in most cases the pm portion of the board would be where to stick those excessive id question since the best iders wont touch em anymore....and in essence theres only a small portion of collectors even put up with these boards to start with....weve run lots of em off....with this crazy stuff that you coulda figured out yourself....
  17. that was prob jill sellin some like that...i think shes pretty much outta the business now since she sold her property...i think you can go to her site marble queen she still might have some there...it wasnt that bad a deal... i got a few bags off her but id rather dig em myself...no saltin goin on...shes reputable and honest...http://www.marblequeen.com/
  18. happy birthday buddy...dang you sure is gettin old!!!!
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