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Everything posted by duffy

  1. nope sorry i haint had the chance yet...but david right those dont look like marble king marbles...
  2. thanks bubba...heres another shot of the shooters...i think the chocolate color is da bomb...
  3. found these today along with a couple hundred others...i think theyre kinda neat the shooters on the right are unique ....the chocolate brown is a kewl color...the one on the bottom left is boarderline cato....i wont tell ya what i paid for em ($1)
  4. ive made these boxes before and i found out that if you make the fold of the top on the other side of the mark it fits perfect...that makes the mark the thickness of the material...even a 32nd is too much and makes a sloppy fit...and if you cut little thumb holes on the lid its easy to open
  5. ya got that right david....those slips on the high banks usually provide a few arrowheads and other nice artifacts...old bottles crocks etc....back in the day the river was everbodys dump.....on the islands theres prime surface finds but theyre off limits no ...theyre all bird santuaries...game wardens patrol it purty good..on paden city island i found a copper drill from the times of the pharos just to put it in a time frame for ya...if the river recedes fast...very little mud if it stays high for awhile its a muddy mess
  6. its a well known process and explained here...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_glaze_pottery...prob everybody who made stoneware marbles used the glaze...thats how the eyes got on the bennigton types from where they were touching each other in the kiln when fired...
  7. i believe those marbles bags of billes were destined for quebec canada...
  8. heres a pic of the marbles i found the other day...theyre the same as whats in that bag....looks like the gladding era to me...
  9. the ohio river will crest today well below the level they predicted last week....instead of the 37 feet they said it will stop raisin below 28 feet (27.7).....thats great news...i just gotta drive thru a couple inches on my lane...the 37 feet woulda closed the state road and i would been closed off for a coupla days....not countin many of my neighbors who would have flooded basements....only bad thing the county would brought in a roll off dumpster and i coulda got rid of some junk...arggggh....for free....
  10. in preping for the imposing ohio river flood...a neighbor mored his storage shed and i found these marbles...they are purty common but the button is an old mussel shell carved button...its real kewl...the size is impressive,too and its in great shape
  11. i live about 6 miles from the plant and i do know the owner...i go to the plant every once in a while and i could find out something prob this week....i dont know if it was a production item or not or if it was made for the movie...thats their logo for sure...
  12. i think the marbles pictured look to be asian cateyes and stuff...the owner has talked about mks involvement in the movie but i dont think that bag is a production item...next time i go to the plant ill ck it out....
  13. i kin count to 11 real easy ifn i got a hole in one of my trouser pockets
  14. thats real kewl!!!...but 30$ to ship...no way...
  15. he said the orifice could adjust up to 1-1/4 inch.....i dont see a mystery here or anything that needs to be picked to death......maybe a diagram of the tank or what size rebar was handy to punch out the tank...but really...they prob made lots more out of the 3/4 orifice.....i wouldnt think ravenswood marketed out of rounds ...there was alot of diggin there on the river when they was discovered...lots of their marbles ended up there...it was widely believed they didnt even make shooters there for awhile...fwiw...that machine there in the article has been touched by me in recent history....it lived along time in tenn......its now restored and a purty blue...
  16. it would be my guess that lots more smaller marbles are made if ya got orders for em...1 bag of 40 +1shooter....so it would be common sense that there were more smaller ones made...plus the material would make more smaller marbles and if materials were at a premium you would want more product so maybe that could xplain the where are they question...
  17. just another brainiac fixin something that haint broke....i suppose this puter im usin will finally quit workin if i keep refusin all these upgrades and all the other crap they want me to click on...you finally get one system figured out and its all changed for the better...but it haint...i tried a couple times to get on to lom and it said i was banned.....from what i can see the only thing that you will be able to do is write a blog...that oughta be some earth stopping info ...lolol....
  18. thanks everybody...nice talkin to ya mark....i wish i coulda stuck around longer--but i hate drivin in the dark lately.....
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