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Everything posted by duffy

  1. being in the heat of marble country has its bennies....what you might find in a baby food jar...
  2. david it kinda floats in there in wisps....on its own plane .....thanks for verifyin al....
  3. hey david...i ckd the green ones and 3 of em have aventurine...i tried to capture them in an image but couldnt...the hastings i know near pine grove is a pretty big natural gas plant where they put the sulpher smell in the natural gas...its about 20 miles away ....
  4. yup wsure would be bill...david i cked 5 and 4 out of the 5 were under 5/8....was that hastings site the gas filter thing......there in pretty good shape to have been used as a filter system...
  5. got these yesterday at the flea mkt..im leanin towards alox...
  6. i feel your pain coop...how about all thse houses that have to be redone due to chinese drywall.....
  7. sad news indeed!!!..your family is in our thoughts and prayers at this time...
  8. imperial glass bellaire ohio made lots of em...
  9. heres a quick pic...the heinz bottle is marked mar 14 1882..the beer bottle sez huelner -telodo ohio and has pure and without drugs or poision and the plutos water bottle
  10. yup---- just confirmed with the owner yesterday and diggin will progress.....its hard to get a decent pic coop but heres som googled info http://www.bottlebooks.com/questions/common/pluto_water_bottles.htm
  11. galen if im not wrong this is a discussion board and ive got a right to post anytime i want...you put your whinny crap on here---i disagree and i shouldnt say anything...are you bullying me??if you dont want my opinions keep yours to yourself...get over it...today just to piss you off ill list some new stuff in the old catagory...ohh the traversity...get real you dweeb...and dont tell me what to do ...
  12. not much to complain about much lately ,huh galen....its a terrible thing ....i saw a 16 penny nail in my box of 8 pennys and i needed one more nail....i paid good money for that lb of nails and charged the homeowner but i went to my truck and found another one...a disaster...naw...just another plot to ruin my day..that argentine musta knew we americans are so spolied that little bumps in our routines are disasterious and could cause all kinds of uprisings...just keep scrollin till you find a gem ....it would be easier on ya, bub....a little ebay hint for you...you dont hafta click on every single auction..i might go seven or eight pages till i find something i wanna ck out closer...but thats just me...i haint never gonna plop down hundreds of dollars for a single marble...but thats just me...id stay out of antique stores too if i was you...theres lotsa junk in those places...
  13. nope dont bother me...i search marbles....i see some kewl knives that way ,too.......i list jabos when i put em on in the post 70 section...but when i list em i put marbles in my title so folks that search like i do can find em easily...is it really that big a deal???
  14. this guy is dapper in his suit.....does the fashion date the pic??the lapels and vest??
  15. yes it would be great to find the quilt...these were from tyler county the seller said ....he works for an auctioneer and got these in a box lot....so i dont know how to trace the quilt...the theory that you had scoop is sensible..but heres the quilt again with an older guy...prob 59 years old or so sportin his best suspenders....
  16. heres anoter ray of sunshine...the chair in this pic is kewl!!!
  17. got 20 old pictures today at a yard sale...all very old....check out this quilt...wish it was in color!!!!!
  18. are those 5 in pic six beachballs??
  19. there is a rarity factor to these tho...they didnt sell well so theres a lot of em where the card has no damage at all....there were plenty in cases...the cost of packing em proved to be a losing affair so they were discontinued
  20. yup...gotta go back before the weeds take over...its sposed to be high 80s tomorrow..so maybe therell be another strong storm in the next week or so...
  21. those are cairo marbles,jeff...how many packs does the guy have..if just these..10-20 bucks...the condition is the issue...ive seen em pristine...
  22. finally made the time to walk the river bank close to my house and found these kewl items...the pipe is broken and theyre called trade pipes by the local artifact hunters...the china has 2 equator lines a common mk cateye and a ravenswood clear swirl...i also found 3 old beer bottles embossed labels and old cork type heinz ketchup bottle a 10 oz laxative bottle called plutos water...americas physic...its got a martian embossed on the bottom and its from the 20s....all in all a good 1/2 hour..oh yeah i also found a nice fossil of a fern to put on the stone wall...
  23. buy what you like and what you can afford........you cant be disapointed if you like what you buy....
  24. that theres one of them there peacocks griff...
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