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Everything posted by duffy

  1. just reached in the box and pulled these out!!!
  2. nope that was bad info...the run went smooth and everybody had a good time....
  3. they are purty...if any body wants any send me a message.
  4. run not named yet....these were run monday...ran all day today...those results to,orrow
  5. ant....never stuck...those are and always will be superman...if were gonna go thru the trouble of namin jabos we oughta try to keep it simple.....
  6. those are superman...nice score!!!
  7. all the hubbub started with the first few runs....the over hypin turned off many and the back-stabbin marketing techniques really was hard to take...the history makin references and whose idea it was and what the agenda of the investors really got a little deep....when theres money to be made the evil half-brother with undoubtly prevail...the arguments over the books and who was writin the best book...blah-blah-blah....if everybody woulda come out with honesty and appreciate the efforts the experimental runs woulda been better and more accepted...who cant remember the comments made and people beign paid off with marbles to make outlandish statements to keep one run over the other....it was all about the ego of a few and nearly sent out a smoke screen and the bull-shit detector bout vibrated off the wall....at least a few nice marbles were made and if folks woulda let em run without all the underhanded stuff it woulda been alot better...
  8. one thing for sure they had alot more chemicals and elements to work with....some in use for lotsa years....and right across the field at cambridge glass
  9. nope no jabo tonight...rowe did say at the end at the cullet pile that the cullet had another designation???maybe in another episode...the fenton show was purty good tho....
  10. back in the 60s there was lotsa crafts usin marbles....theres even a little phamplet with all kinds of ideas...it was magic with marbles...ill see if i can find one here on the net ...i got one but my scanner haint hooked up....and fried marbles was a fad for use in jewelry and crafts.....heres the link http://www.marelibri.com/search/current?maximumPrice=0&keywords=&firstResult=0&ISBN=&selectedDatasources=511&quicksearch=&matchTypeList=ALL&author=&title=magic+with+marbles+hp+55a&description=&minimumPrice=0&sorting=RELEVANCE&booksellerName=&keycodes=&cid=2798088
  11. yup paula i think thats the sign that was on 31...
  12. yes don...i would date it in that period...
  13. i was driviv down a country road chasin a yard sale....in wild and wonderful west virginia....still chasin a price....
  14. after i typed that answer i could vagely remember an ele-fant...duh...im sure ya got one off me now...i see em so rarely...but the ground off place where the stem was removed is a dead give away....that one little antique store out the on u.s.-50 near pennsboro had lots of em...i got all the ones that were decent...sorry bout the misinformation there dani....the mind is a terrible thing to lose....
  15. i haint sayin for sure...they really all kinda rare....
  16. never saw an elephant.....that sure looks purty...is the glass clear or kinda seedy....
  17. she lays like that all the time with her eyes covered up...lolol
  18. never seen that suie.....
  19. elinor coundnt find her cat.....she was curled up in a tool bag i store my brown jersey work glloves in....she really musta squeezed in there ...shes a fat cat....looks like i gotta find a new place to store my gloves
  20. no makers mark...ya can tell by the seedy glass and the ground bottom where they took the stem off...miser i usually get 15$ for em...they also come in white and the very rare slag....i guess you could name your price....
  21. some alleys yard sale finds....
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