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Everything posted by duffy

  1. bo...the ones i was talkin about was the ones from st marys...they look alot like the vitro ones edna showed...the paden city ones are a thing of their own...i went down in the garage but couldnt find the box i was lookin for with that st marys stuff in it but i will....
  2. it would be hard to tell on the st marys ones....we dug those they looked close...most were fractured...in fact i dont think i saw any without tiny fractures...either from the fire or annealing issues i dont know...
  3. i think the mk version is called 7-up...vitro is lucky -7 its hard to tell em apart...unless you got both of em in hand....im thinkin mk made em at st marys...im a little foggy on this info but i think thats purty close....the only distinction is the cutlines and one of the colors but i cant remember which one????its hard to tell em apart....
  4. hey happy b-day from us here on the humid ohio river....
  5. good luck ron....now youll wonder how you had time to work....
  6. yup...pretty lucky...i always keep a sharp eye out and i do alot of work in the older part of town....i couldnt believe it when this cat popped out unscathed....
  7. but you may find an american toy company ceramic cat!!!!...found today puttin electric in a trench for a landscaping light....found in new martinsville wv....
  8. yup...so does alot of his other auctions...hes a couple hrs from jabo country at akron....i wonder howcome hes got zero feedback and all those auctions up?? i dont know how to check if hes a veteran seller thats got a new account..
  9. duffy

    Bag O' Commons

    i think that dates it prior to 64....ive dug that style at the dumps.....they prob used up the headers tho ....depends on the stock they had...i see the seam there too...so i think thats a purty good bag...can you compare any other mk bags to the texture from paden city or st marys....they mighta still been twekin the machines...i wish they had more info at the plant but alas...the old timers haint there theve passed on ..and the employees there now including beri...dont know .....i think its a good old bag and prob fewer of those to be had...a keeper fer sure...
  10. duffy

    Bag O' Commons

    is there a price code thingy on the bag or an addy with a zip code??
  11. i dont charge handeling either...i mostly ship in the 4.95 flat rate box...most times in bulk sales the shipping is free...in almost 700 auctions ive never lost a marbles shipment...once a deal made on line came up tampered with and a magazine i sold was lost(so they say).....it would be hard to get not used to makin the deal sweeter without the cuts on shipping and handeling charges...go figure
  12. ends tonight...thanks for lookin http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/duffytrash_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_ipgZ
  13. imperial from bellaire ohio... made some of them cornocopias......they had some crazy colors but pretty slag glass
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