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Everything posted by duffy

  1. hey there...happy birthday weldon....have a gud un!!!!
  2. guess so....i never liked red on any thing i read...i musta got too many red marks in school.....make mine basic black...oops...lololol
  3. i hate the b.s.

  4. with some people being advanced members???and all the posts in red???
  5. yup it was nice seein ya the other day!!!have a save trip back to the place...
  6. my visit yesterday to the jabo factory these experimentals were coolin down.....5/8...burmese base....great lookin....
  7. no sense kickin the guy when hes dead....i woulda expected more from you gary...i dont condone what hes accused of at all but mj raised millions for starving people all over the world...he was a little weird but his childhood was a little weird...i think that those pedofile accusers were kinda stretching the truth a little...its easy to get millions when you haint got no scruples...its not every parent that would allow their kids to stay at neverland....and dont mind puttin youre kids in the limelight...farah looked good in those playboy spreads...i guess ya do what ya gotta do......but theyre both dead and they both entertained us while they were here...one sold more records that bout anybody and the other looked good and sold millions of posters....i liked em both and enjoyed their talents...i haint argurin.... i posted that he died cause i was on my puter listenin to cnn..bout his heart attack and then it was reported that he died...and thought id share....but i see no reason to be negative everybody know what went on...im just sayin....we will all die someday...
  8. duffy

    Anacortes Bag

    ive dug those pelt bags at the paden city dumpsite...had a roll once that prob had 50 or so bags....they was in terrible shape...i think theyre in the garage someplace or not........i dug up a few bags w /marbles in em too mostly bananas....i sold a few and gave some away....as bonuses ......never found one with p&r tho....
  9. thanks fer lookin.... http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/duffytrash_W...armrsZ1QQ_fromZ
  10. thanks for the pics griff...your spot at the hydro is one of my favorites.....and to think i haint been fishin in a looooog time....its only a couple miles from my house.....i can see the courthouse from where im sittin now....i really do think that berry pink coulda seen that license plate..lololololol.....i think me and charley brown musta stuck that alox kite with the cowboy on it up in a tree as many times as i flew it........i remember that one from less complicated times .......that cheese cake was da bomb..... the kids tourny didnt start til around 1400....they prob showed up around 1330 or so.......they was in another tourney for the schools that day ......that one kid there was ranked in the top 5 nationally..and hes won some big money [scolarships]with his skills.....he was there with the director and could really put the english on his shooter...he was prob 12 or 13...there was a girl there too that was highly ranked.....the little kids showed promise....
  11. gary...beware of the pink opalescent set ....its being reproduced somewhere overseas.....some are puttin the little scotty dog on em...if its marked its ok...but ive seen that set at several antique malls around here....i was gonna buy the set til i researced it first...then i saw several of em.....
  12. paula...thats gettin close and that may be it!!! thats what i get for usin my little nick names.... i always called him dave from pennsylvania...guess who i call that guy from canada...lolol...that guy with bill foppanio is [something] billetter ...he from new martinsville wv...
  13. that pic of the feller above weldon id dave mc[something] from pennsylvania...
  14. edna...tana mccraw ,nola's niece was the member who helped her with the bags...i think she was in charge of getting the t-shirts, and she always got that together in the past.....she does alot of work for the club and should be recognized....
  15. i used the six-johnson book ---the catseye book and my archived wvmcc newsletters...
  16. edna the guy with john duck is george arman....nice work on the pics...
  17. right on lou...just tryin to keep it sensible...if ya dont know what ballast is how can you be an expert on it....thats how corfusion starts and fallicy become fact...i apolige if i got a little negitive but marbles really haint that complicated..now would somebody id those marbles for me i put in the id forum...
  18. i dont think they was smuggling marbles they put em in the ballast hold at cheap transport....its prob less caustic than sea water...then theres the fresh water ballast then the fuel ballast then the other kinda things that could be put in there..ballast could be anything.did ya see that ship that the pirates took off africa...all those containers on deck...wonder what kinda ballast they had to keep the ship from flipping over???id bet theyd be happy to have a few 100 tons of marbles to keep her upright.......sue it just takes a little common sense to get along...edna...if i ommitted all the earth shattering posts id have nothing to read...you was kinda sorta negative towards me....lololol....juust kiddin....
  19. for the record steph youve posted over 5300 times and ive posted over 550 times and im member #19 and youre # 279 .......ive hardly busted into your threads...i wouldnt have the free time...or the inclination...surel;y there isnt that much new-- earth shattering- hold the presses--info available....im just sayin...some things are better done in private...or study hall...
  20. david those are from the encore wash-out...glad you liked em!!!
  21. i didnt bust into your thread...its in a public forum so its free for anyone to post....a legal loophole???sound bussiness practice i would call it...thats why hodyshell wanted a tarrif...low shipping cost was what it was...common sense...not earth shattering ...just trivial and mundane common knowledge...you got your own forum....why not post it there or cant you find room at the top not pinned???...why oh why did you desert your jabo friends...got enough free marbles??? galen..haint them walk thru tours awesome???on them subs those bulkheads hatches are so tight its amazing a man with a regular size head can get thru em.....some of them big ships are something....the buffets are neverending and those elvis impersonators are the hoot!!!!lolol just kiddin...dont blow a gasket!!!! there ive retaped my head...it was just a small explosion...
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