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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. Thanks. I am glad I had the sense not to put it with my slags, but I don't have the patience to split it into swirl maker myself. Would be neat to find the same construction with different combos of base glass though.
  2. 11/16". I feel it wants to be a slag but I don't have others like it so was just asking.
  3. Wanted to see these tweeners again but sadly images are gone. Steph, did you packrat these away?
  4. Thanks. Yours seems to have finer lines than my certain Twister. It seems possible that with the colors on yours that the right machine making could generate my CACor Vacor. Wish I could go to that CAC show and look around for its twin.
  5. Another knowledgeable CAC collector thinks it's Vacor. Here's a helpful link on the Twisters: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=63&lang=en
  6. Well CACMIKE voted 100% CAC so this has been a fun mystery. Sure wish I could see more early Twisters close up. The newer ones have fuzzy blend lines and clearly aren't the same. Here it is in hand with one of the five or so Twisters that were also in the big bowl (Twister on left).
  7. My first CAC vote. Had four Vacor votes with people saying it's an earlier Vacor Twister with finer glass. Here's more shots. More opinions please.
  8. Digging through mostly Vacors and Imperials, I found several Vacor Twisters and then this beauty. My spidey senses said CAC. A little over 5/8". If not CAC, did Vacor make earlier/better runs of these? This even have some depth in the glass at one point. Colors in the first double photo are accurate. The Vac CAC is redder/orange. Anyway, if Vacor it's a killer and where do I find more of this "run" ? Edit: Found this old threat at LOM that talks about the early Mega/Vacor runs were much nicer: http://www.landofmarbles.com/phpbb/showthread.php?31199-vacor&highlight=twister A clue perhaps?
  9. OK, I confess. It was on eBay and I was hoping you all had lost your glasses today while it was ending. Bids started today and the high bidder got it in a small lot of marbles for under $40. Now I experience that complicated emotional state where you want the winner to have gotten a great marble, but....
  10. Thanks, John. We always appreciate your insights.
  11. Thanks, folks. I will update thread if they end up accepting my very low offer.
  12. Thanks. Is that your way of being non-committal on the CAC question lest you influence me to risk overspending?
  13. 5/8". It's the only photo I can get. What would you offer if this was all you could see?
  14. Amazing pics on this thread! Adding three Royals (two unshaven).
  15. Interesting. So it's quite possible that the HTF patches were meant to be corks, and the HTF corks were meant to be patches. I wonder are there any color combos where Akro decided to make a lot of patches and corks?
  16. Neat! I wonder what sort of terminology and schedules they used to switch over from patch to spiral/cork.
  17. Interesting! The texture is very bizarre. Think waxy and with orange peel texture but not pitted (more like lines). I'm in a pickle too. It's sitting there right next to what clearly appears to be an Akro patch close relation (with faint opalescence) but then it sort of roars about being something else. The insides do sort of suggest Euro sparkler to me but I do believe I got both from the same person in the wild.
  18. I figured it out. It's just a very oddly textured Akro patch with opalescent glass. Found its cousin nearby.
  19. So I found among my textured Euro sparklers this apparent Akro cork with a waxy, very textured surface and an opalescent base. Measures close to 11/16". I assumed Euro simply based on the texture but I know this is an Akro patch design too. If it's an Akro does anyone else have one with such a bizarre texture and opalescent glass?
  20. Sorting marbles today and decided to group shot all my Master sunbursts. Here's the shot with flash.
  21. Nice! Their photos seem "foggy" and a little washed out this time but still good enough to salivate.
  22. Forgot to mention it appears I also got my first two "wild" blood alleys in this lot, alongside a 15/16" agate I call "King Cut". Lines in the alleys are definitely pinkish in hand.
  23. Thanks. Unfortunately no cornflower blue corks but I did get two larger fairly water opalescent aces.
  24. I posted this score on FB groups but forgot to put it here. My Thanksgiving feast and best score ever, all doused in mint. Seller and buyer were both pleasantly surprised by what they got. Having too much fun to sell/trade these right now but probably will bring some to the next show I can manage to attend. Here's bigger photos: https://imgur.com/a/s4zhu
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