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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. Did the Bulgies facet their pontils? The ones I see have a very large rough pontil.
  2. We call that a "cream of tomato soup" slag. Not really, but it looks like it should be called that.
  3. I remember something like that and I coined the phrase "wall marbles" for any rare and exotic marbles you find in a wall but which mysteriously cannot be photographed.
  4. Awesome Parrot that I am guessing will hit $80+.
  5. Wow incredible find and what a great eye to spot it!
  6. Can we see a shot of the pontil? I am asking more to learn since I am not an expert on these. The auction photo really does fool the eye on size!
  7. I messaged this guy explaining what he had and he replied: "I have no comment."
  8. Wow, 270! It must have gotten exhausting and frustrating, but at least you are free from them now. You make a good point that some of those may indeed contain Michelangelos. I never bothered to pay attention to what is in them. I think you owe it to the marble collecting community to make a limited run of Al fantasy bags and then sell them at the next show. It could be your business card.
  9. Was browsing marbles and saw this seller has a ton of fantasy bags. Al, do you try to get one of every one you see?
  10. Very cool! I want a complete pee wee NLR set. Now.
  11. I can't recall ever seeing peewee NLRs? I know they have peewee Rainbos but this looks neat.
  12. Sounds like it will be a useful book to the community. I will have to be patient.
  13. Wow, I had no idea. I feel luckier now. Perked up my marble joy.
  14. Nice! Still hard to believe how few of these I've seen when I have a couple hundred blackies/all reds/tiger eyes.
  15. Is there a complete list with photos of the Marble King Rainbows that were sold in stores in the late 50s to early 60s? I was picking through a few yesterday and among the usual suspects (cub scouts, bumble bees), I saw things like brown on white, etc. Searched online a bit but seems like most lists favor the blended ones.
  16. That's great to hear. I am interested in getting more Whities if there is a lot of variety. Thanks!
  17. That's interesting. I rarely have seen these in my hunts. Blackies and All Reds everywhere, but not these fellas.
  18. Picked through a lot of mostly 60s MK and Vitro and grabbed these three 5/8" for their unusual colors. The top right one felt like a Pelt Rainbo but was just one ribbon. Other two seem to be same maker but with fatter single ribbon. Any ideas?
  19. Wow, great stuff, especially the paperweight.
  20. Well it was too good to be true. They appear to be two-seam game marbles. You can see the lashes on the yellow in particular. Also colors are more saturated in hand than the pastel appearance in the photo. Still, I learned a lot!
  21. Here's a peach one but not ground pontil: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/antique-htf-germany-glass-peach-1798735471
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