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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. Thanks, I thought so. Does it have an official name?
  2. I bought this 5/8"ish being sold as a Master but my gut says Marble King, but can someone confirm?
  3. Interesting. I did not know about "How Wheel" marbles, which apparently were from the 1990s? The one pictured came from an eBay purchase, a farmer's estate sale. It was one mason jar filled with 95% Vitro tri-lites, a couple of Akros, a few Alleys, and then this one. Everything else was pre-1970s and mint, so it really felt like a time capsule except for this marble, apparently!
  4. I was thinking the yellow had a chalk like texture, and have not heard about a Hot Wheel before. Is challkie only for the dug alleys with white chalk-like substance? So much to learn!
  5. I realize this may be too many marbles at once, but I was curious whether any WV swirl collectors can tell me from these photos which, if any, of these marbles are definitely not Alley Agate?
  6. Since this 5/8"+ marble looks chaklie I figured it was a "chalkie" until I googled that term and realized a chalkie is a dug "oops" marble, right? Can someone remind me what this fellow is called and who made it?
  7. I'm guessing http://www.ebay.com/itm/CHRISTENSEN-AGATE-STRIPED-TRANSPARENT-ONLY-9-16-SUPER-RARE-/141577364489and several others sold recently by this seller are "exotics", no?
  8. I am hoping to find some killer Vitros this year but haven't seen any at the show in the past. Usually it's just the common ones if any.
  9. Everything has a price, including the largest pink opaque.
  10. I want the pink opaques! Seriously!
  11. It would have been marked "Made in Occupied Japan" between 1945 and 1952, right?
  12. In case the inevitable happens, there's an app for that: http://deathswitch.com/
  13. Methinks two new collectors who also both won the lotto are bidding against each other.
  14. Thanks, glad somebody noticed that...and did you notice those were Shamrock marbles too?
  15. Couple of great older threads on this make for excellent reading (along with viewing): http://marbleconnection.com/topic/15989-examples-of-exotics/ (12 pages - check out those Shamrock "exotics"!) http://marbleconnection.com/topic/11875-cac-striped-opaqueschristensen-exotics/ (10 pages)
  16. I'm told this was leaked during a high-profile data hack and then passed along to marble collecting truthers by brave agents of the marble collecting underground. I cannot otherwise verify its authenticity.
  17. They're same run, or as we humans say, triplets.
  18. Looks like some dark matter in their blue galaxy. No doubt the 14-day return policy inspired some wild bidding.
  19. That's EOJ, or End of Job, the last marble that maker made before being fired.
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