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Everything posted by Greatmacscott

  1. We have a fun evening of marble board games planned BOARD GAME NIGHT FOR GROWN-UPS: MARBLE MADNESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2018 | 6-9PM "PLAYING FOR KEEPS" EVENT It’s time to find your marbles! Bring your friends and family 18+ to enjoy a marble-ous evening of games, snacks, and drinks. Visit the museum’s special exhibit, Playing for Keeps, and learn how to knuckle down in a regulation-size marble ring. Play a variety of marble games (Hungry Hungry Hippos, anyone?) and enjoy marbled ice cream, cake, and nostalgic snacks. $5 general admission. Free for museum members and with a UMKC ID. http://www.toyandminiaturemuseum.org/upcoming/
  2. The Kansas City Marble Show is less than three weeks away! Sunday, March 4, 2018 Join the Kansas City Marble Collectors Club us at our new location, DOUBLETREE by Hilton, 10100 College Boulevard, Overland Park, Kansas 66210 Room trading will start as early as Wednesday evening but be in full swing Friday and Saturday night. The marble show runs from 9:00 to 2:30 and features antique, vintage, and contemporary marbles at over fifty vendor tables. Activities include door prizes throughout the day, marble identifications, games and activities for kids and the best marbles to buy, sell or trade in one location. For hotel reservations, call the Doubletree at 913-451-6100 and tell them you are with the marble show. We still have a few tables available for the show. To reserve your table, contact [email protected]. For questions and other stuff contact [email protected] or call 816-916-9038. Happy Marbling and see you in Kansas City! Other Activities around town include: - Marble Crazy at the Moon – Friday and Saturday – Moon Marble Company, 600 Front Street, Bonner Springs, Kansas 68506. For information, [email protected] or call 913-441-1024 - Playing for Keep: the VFW Marble Tournaments, 1947-1962 – The award-winning exhibit at the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures highlighting the history of the VFW marble tournaments through the personal stories of the boys that played in the national tournaments. Located at 5235 Oak Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64112. For information, call 816-235-800.
  3. Anybody know any good marble jokes, knock-knocks, etc?
  4. I love animals in marbles. Yes I admit to my obsession Please don't call the ASPCA, they will label me a hoarder. I promise none of my animals have been mistreated but they are kept in captivity.
  5. Nice comparison Al. I look forward to hearing what you think about the content.
  6. I was the same way. I would try to get things as cheap as I could then try to snipe the snipers. I have given up on doing that. I concentrate on just a few things and when I do bid, it is the amount I am willing to pay at the most. Let the snipers have their shot. it has probably cost me some money because I have been sniped up to a dollar on some items which I believe is the seller jacking the price to get more money.
  7. It is exciting to see a book be born! https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-kings-of-the-rings-scott-rice-mcbride/1127747561?ean=9781641149631
  8. The Toy and Miniature Museum got more TV time for the Marble Tournament Exhibit https://youtu.be/SF7dFffrRn8 https://youtu.be/92ezoffj1eE https://youtu.be/l2ha_WYOTuQ
  9. The Kansas City Show is the first weekend in March.
  10. The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures deserve lots of credit for supporting and promoting the exhibit and for creating partnerships to support it with the Missouri Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities. As well as other collectors and groups in the marble community.
  11. One of the video's produced for the tournament exhibit is now available on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9j3-YyBkaI And local news coverage: http://www.kctv5.com/clip/13995590/marbles-on-the-big-stage
  12. Come to Kansas City for the first weekend of March! Marbles will be everywhere! Booking Link: http://group.doubletree.com/KCMarbleCollectors Hotel: DoubleTree by Hilton Kansas City - Overland Park Group Name: KC Marble Collectors
  13. I give advice similar to Bob's, "Collect what you like, not what you think will be hot." Hot cools off
  14. Great Question and often asked by beginning collectors and investment speculators. I went to my chicken coop for an example. Which chicken lays the golden eggs?
  15. Be specific. The jolly old elf may have the elves putting together different sets.
  16. Thing "twas the night before Christmas" Twas the night before opening and all through the house, Every creature was stirring as fast as a mouse, All the pictures are hung on the wall with great care in hope marble champions soon will be there On plexi, on wall frames, on a fresh coat of paint The videos are loaded Lights are positioned Check back tomorrow to see the transformation
  17. The North Platte Telegram honors a native son and two time VFW National Marble champion http://www.nptelegraph.com/news/local_news/only-two-time-vfw-marble-champ-called-north-platte-home/article_9f61040e-c1d8-11e7-8d78-97e6cbee5dbe.html
  18. Am I the only one that looks at this picture and sees a jigsaw puzzle box
  19. Preview: Update on VFW Marble Tournament Research After 6 plus years of researching the VFW National Marble Tournaments and interviewing over one hundred of the "boys" that played in the national tournaments, two great events are kicking off this month. The Book: The Kings of the Rings: Stories from the VFW National Marble Tournaments 1947-1962 has gone to the printer. Soon to be available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes and Kobo. It is a history of the BFW marble tournaments and the memories of individual marble players The Museum Exhibit: Marble playing ruled playgrounds for much of the 20th century. Requiring only a handful of marbles and a patch of dirt, the game crossed all economic and social barriers. In 1947, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) created a national marble tournament that was a life-changing experience for the thousands of kids who participated. "Playing for Keeps" tells the firsthand stories of the players alongside their souvenirs, trophies, and marble memorabilia. Learn their stories and then knuckle down to experience the thrill of the game in a regulation-size marble ring. On view November 11, 2017 through January 6, 2019 at The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. Presented in partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Pictures of the exhibit will be available after it opens. It includes memorabilia of the tournaments including a 1947 Whizzer motor bike just like the one awarded to the national champion.
  20. A 2 inch Rabbit Sulphide - heavy dark green - possibly irradiated and remelted.
  21. We are setting up a marble tournament exhibit at the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures in Kansas City and trying to locate memorabilia from the Kansas City area as part of the exhibit. Does anyone have any medals, trophies or other memorabilia from area marble tournaments? Thanks, Scott
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