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Everything posted by Greatmacscott

  1. Very nice PR for the show Chad! I can only imagine the treasures that it will motivate folks from the area to bring to the show. I will volunteer to be the door goalie to keep any real treasures from making it inside on show day. Wouldn't want to clutter up the show room with local wild stuff. All the tamed domesticated critters might get spooked.
  2. Over the years, I have picked up original package sets. One example are Playtime Marbles. The package was a cardboard back with a plastic over lay to keep everything together Here is the list I have in my collection: States Missouri Tennessee Indiana Illinois Florida Idaho Wyoming Hawaii Cities Chicago Wildwood, NJ New York City Kansas City St. Louis Other The Ozarks Marbles (15) with picture of marbles on bag Picture of a Deer Head Hershey Park, Hersey, PA Six Flags St. Louis Worlds of Fun Kansas City Marbles with picture of a boy on back What other packages does anyone else have laying around? Thanks, Scott
  3. "Also....I have not seen the use of the word "poser" since the 80's :)" Guess we are both showing our age Gnome Punter. I was collecting marbles in the 80s and the posers from then are no longer in the hobby. One more tip for hosting a marble show: RELAX AND HAVE FUN! You can't control the end results once the show gets started. Your planning will pay off.
  4. The thing I like best about marble shows - the people - great folks, friendly, willing to help each other and newbies. The thing I like least about marble shows - the people - Whiners because the room color isn't right, the moon is in retro grade - The posers - they know it all and have it all Sleep well every one!
  5. Thirty-six years ago, from a humble beginning in a bail bonds office in Davenport, Iowa, Gary and Judy Huxford hosted a small group of marble collectors to look at marbles, trade stories and share knowledge of marbles. From that meeting the Amana Marble Show was born. Amana became a destination event for marble collectors of all ages and marble preferences. Recently in the mail, a postcard arrived with the following announcement: “All good things must come to an end! After 36 annual Iowa Marble Shows, (aka Amana Marble Shows), Gary and Judy Huxford have decided to end this tradition! We thank you for your support through the years and hope to see you at other shows in the future! We had a great run, ending with the fabulous Peltier collections at the 2013 show! Good Collecting, The Huxfords” It has been an honor and privilege to have known Gary and Judy for those thirty six years of the Amana marble show. For those years, Gary and Judy built what is recognized as a “national” marble show, something they didn’t have as a goal for those first shows or any subsequent shows. Every other marble show around the country has benefited for the positives and the negatives of what Gary and Judy did to keep the Amana show relevant and current to the ever changing trends in marble collecting. When Gary and Judy decided that it time to close down the show, it wasn’t a decision they made lightly or without lots of thoughts and prayers. The Amana Marble Show became legendary because of Gary and Judy’s efforts. The Amana Marble Show will live on in our stories of “I remember at that one Amana show when….” Gary has is celebrating his 71st birthday this weekend. Wish him Happy Birthday and let Judy and Gary know how much you appreciate what they did for marble collecting.
  6. I am looking for a collector in the Monrovia California area to connect with a gentleman that has some contemps, mineral spheres and some more recent machine mades he would like to know more about. PM me if you are interested in taking to the owner. The short side of the story is he wants to make sure he doesn't have anything he should keep his kids from breaking. A neighbor gave the marbles to his kids when the neighbor downsized into assisted living. Thanks, Scott
  7. I hope they are better than the felt tip chinas the American Pickers had on their episode. They paid so much for them I amost started making my own, rofl
  8. Weren't they called postal zones? at that time each city started with 2 and added more as it grew. I don't think any reach 3 digits before the advent of the zip code.
  9. Anyone notice his listing for the "Eagle Navy Button"? looks like the eagle benningtons from a while back.
  10. Thanks everyone for all the information. I have been researching the VFW National tournaments, including interview and recording the stories of a number of the participants. I couldn't resist the patch and crown when it came up. Scott
  11. 37th Annual Iowa Marble Show Friday, May 31st – Saturday, June 1st 2013 Coralville Iowa Marriott Hotel - I-80 Exit 242 Phone 319-688-4000 for Hotel Reservations Banquet – Friday, May 31st – 6:00PM SPECIAL PRESENTATION on Peltier Marbles - must attend the banquet to see the presentation! Marble Show – Saturday, June 1st – 9AM to 2PM Show Tables still available Call Gary Huxford at 319-642-3891 or 319-551-6685 to reserve you banquet tickets or show tables.
  12. Mine arrived yesterday. I am neither excited or disappointed with the grading. I like everything I got and will enjoy showing them off. Not sure if they will get me bidding on future auctions.
  13. Guess they like you best :-) My tracking number just arrived in email. Be still my heart. Marbles are rolling my way!
  14. Sure would like to see my marbles. Because I was a first time buyer, they needed a check instead of accepting my credit card. Not a problem. - Invoice received by email on 4/21 - Payment mailed on 4/22 - Check cleared my account on 4/29. Money went to their account. - Called Morphy's today to see if they had been shipped and the person answering the phone had no idea where my order was in the process. She saw the payment was received but could not find any record of shipment or planned shipment. Asked me to call back on the weekend to see if someone working then could tell me what is going on. I didn't spend as much money as some people but it was a significat amount for me.I guess $600 in buyers premium and shipping sure doesn't buy good customer service.
  15. One thing that is traded freely during room trading is knowledge. Visiting rooms is the best way to learn about everything marble related!
  16. I agree with what Bob says about the bounty of certain items bringing the price down. It is my opinion that 400-500 lots is about the most that an audience, can endure with out distractions.
  17. No mirrors! if they can't see where they have been, can they be sure where they are going?
  18. Pondering the question – What is this marble worth? It is not just a single question but a series of questions that must be carefully answered to reach the final answer of what the marble is worth. - What is the purpose of the value? Are you going to add it to a collection or purchase it for resale? Do you want to insure it in case of damage or casualty loss? - Who else wants the marble in question? What is its Wow factor? Why do other people want it? - What value does the seller have on it (indicated by the reserve)? - How far are you will to go and what will you sacrifice to hold the marble in your hand and loudly proclaim “This is my marble! I overcame all other marblists to be the only one that possesses this specific marble!” Good Luck and happy bidding!
  19. I am getting a vibe of a rare tropic Fruit, possibly from the mingting dynasty of central China. Chinese Pear.
  20. true. I need to learn to read what I write or use the edit feature an deny any knowledge of the mistake
  21. Foot Spa - Marbles go in the bottom and you roll your feet over the marbles.
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