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Everything posted by Greatmacscott

  1. Playing for Keeps: The 1947 VFW Marble Tournament Join marble expert Scott McBride as he chases the past and rediscovers the heartwarming story of a boy who overcame overwhelming obstacles to win the 1947 VFW marble tournament. Scott's passion as a collector leads him on an historical journey to a surprising discovery: the boy himself! Scott will share both photos and actual artifacts from the tournament. Please RSVP to Amanda Clark by calling (816) 333-9328 or email [email protected] Tuesday, October 18, 2011. 5:30-6:30 p.m. FREE Program!
  2. Jill Marie, When you get to KC, let me know. I docent at the museum on Saturday afternoons when I am not chasing marble shows.I do tours for marble collectors.
  3. In the Kansas City Toy and Miniature Museum are two sulphides like what is being talked about. A fish with colored glass ribbons like an old swirl and the other is like an onion skin with a hen sitting in it. look like old marbles to me.
  4. I am looking for information on the plastic imitation sulphide marbles made in Taiwan. I think they were made in the 1950s. They came individually bagged. Anyone know any more about them? Thanks, Scott
  5. If the question is re cook it or not, I prefer handmades with internal damage to re cooked marbles. Just one opinion. Scott
  6. Cool! I grew up in Illinois, east of Champaign near the Indiana line.
  7. Hello Jill, Welcome to the area. Always willing to meet fellow marble collectors. Let me know if you get to the Kansas City area. Scott
  8. I voted new becasue as a handmade collector, anything without a pontil is not old.
  9. Ballot boxes were a fun side line of marble collecting. I don't spend much time on the boards but can be reached at [email protected] Scott McBride
  10. Yes there is still a VFW Magazine. Marble playing has been on two covers
  11. I will get there Wednesday evening - Scott
  12. A little follow up - The one particpant I was able to locate and visit with was Ray Eugene Warren the 1947 VFW Champion. I was fortunate enough that he and his wife Pat allowed me into their home last fall to hear his stories of the tournament, many of which I could verify from other sources like the Boys Town Times and the Rayon Times, a company magazine for the Dupont Chemical plant where his father worked. His son emailed me today. Ray passed away early this morning. He is now playing marbles in heaven!
  13. I went to the auction and had a list of about 8 itmes that I really, really wanted. I came home with 5 of the 8 plus a few things I didn't plan on buying until I got there. I have Champaign tastes on a beer budget. I thought the big hand mades, unusual smaller hand mades and the sulphides did well. I am sure some of them will reappear on the bay. Individual machine mades seemed to do ok, but nothing spectacular (I admit I used those times for personal releif breaks ) Boxed sets were received with mixed results. A couple of the Akro sets went high in my opinion and others didn't. The popeye box went for under $800. The Comic 5 count box went for $350. Some Jimit Agate boxes and Akro chinese sets went for less than $10 each. One of the akro 250 boxes went for over $1200. There was a Master #7 shooter set that went in a lot for under $50. Kudos to the auctioneers for the way they handled the preview,organizing the marbles, the auction itself and checkout. they were organized and well prepared. Great Job to the Evergreen Guys! Four Hundred lots in less than 5 hours was impressive. There were twenty-five bid numbers and 3 or 4 were phone or absentee bidders, also handled well and with full disclosure by the auctioneer. I think everyone left happy. My only regret was that the suitcase I brought on the plane wasn't big enough for everyting I covetted, Golly I miss the the early marble auctions with interactions between buyers.
  14. Charles, does that mean you didn;t get the water wings I sent to you at the hotel in England for the swim home?
  15. Thanks for everyone's help. Researching the 1947 tournament has been lots of fun, combining history with some geneology trying locate the players. today, they would be between 75 and 80 year's old. So far I have been fortunate enough to locate one living participant. Mike's picture with Father Flanigan and Mickey Rooney is a favorite at Boys town. Father Flannigan was a support of marble playing as a healthy cativity for the boys. There are lots of articles in the Omaha and Boys Town newspapers about marble playing going back to the beginning of Boys town. Steph - Saturino Garcia - I have a picture of him taken of him at Boys Town. In that picture, he is wearing the same cowboy hat in the picture you found. I also think I found his obituary form 2008 in a small town in OH. It is the right age and that Saturino Garcia was born in TX.I am photoly challenged and wasn't able to upload the photo. Still searching for other particpants. Thirty-five boys age 9 - 14 played in that first tournament. The VFW marble tournaments ended in the early 60s. The winner of the 1947 Tournament won two trophies, a Schwin Whizzer motorbike, a Parker pen and pencil set, and a first baseman's mitt.
  16. Two years ago after a visit to Boys Town, NE, I started researching the 1947 VFW National Marbles Tournament. Boys Town was the host for the first national tournament held by the VFW for marble players. There were thirty-five participants in that first VFW tournament. Both Boys Town and the VFW have been helpful, providing clippings and other interesting articles. I am now trying to find additional articles/memorabilia about the various state and local tournaments held around the country. If anyone has any articles they would be willing to share copies of, please let me know. Thanks, Scott
  17. As usual Chuck did a great job and the show was fun. Learned more about machine mades than I really care to But did have a great visit with good friends and managed to bring a couple great hand made marbles home to the collection. Thanks Checuk. See back in Decatur in the fall or next spring. Scott
  18. Thanks everyone, it was fun researching the topic. Charles it is the same book you have. Collectors Bookstore in Leavenworth, KS was kind enough to honor me with selling it on their website. They have listed another one on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Early-Ballot-Voting-Box-w-Marbles-Black-Ball-Guide_W0QQitemZ190417789747QQcategoryZ378QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4340.m263QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%252BC%26itu%3DMRU-267%252BUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%252BDDSIC%26otn%3D20%26pmod%3D170512211791%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D7161305980546878403 The cannon is one of the great ballot boxes. You cast your vote by rolling your marble down the barrel of the cannon.
  19. On ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Early-Ballot-Voting-Box-w-Marbles-Black-Ball-Guide-/170512211791?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_Nonfiction_Book&hash=item27b351df4f
  20. While I do think new marbles are sometimes pretty and interesting, the making of these runs reminds me of "collectors" plate series (and other items too) that were popular several years ago. Anyone interesting in a first edition Greats of the World Wrassling Federation? :-) I thought I would be able to retire by know on its value but Dick the bruiser isn't as big as he used to be. lol
  21. Dear Marble Collectors, We’d like to invite all of you to the longest-running marble show in the country—the 23rd annual Amana Colonies Marble Meet! It is held at the Amana Iowa Clarion Inn, Exit 225, Interstate 80 (formerly the Holiday Inn). The dates are June 4 and 5, 2010. Like last year, the show will be on Saturday so that folks will have Sunday as a travel day! Collectors usually arrive early in the week and room trading and selling will be in full swing by Tuesday or Wednesday of show week. The actual meet will open on FRIDAY evening, June 4 with the banquet at 6:00 pm. Ticket pick up and registration will begin at 5:30 pm. We’ll have many door prizes (people are encouraged to bring one from their home state), a humorous skit, and of course, an all-you-can-eat Amana-style meal which will feature meatloaf and fried chicken with all the trimmings! Banquet tickets are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for children ages 5-12, and children under 5 are free. After the banquet and skit, you’ll be treated to a presentation by Paul Baumann and Roger Matile. The title of their presentation is “Carpet Bowls: Those Marvelous Un-Marbles.” The Scottish history will be covered, as well as pattern descriptions and rarity and how to tell new vs. old. Roger was the primary editor of the carpet bowl section of Paul’s book and has written several major articles on carpet bowls. Paul was a guest speaker at our first symposium in 1981. He is celebrating the 40th anniversary of his book, Collecting Antique Marbles. The marble display takes place on SATURDAY, June 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Exhibitors set up from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and all others may enter at 9:00. There will be coffee and cinnamon rolls for exhibitors. If you are exhibiting, long extension cords and lights will improve the existing lighting. Please remember, only marbles and marble-related items are allowed in the exhibit room. At this writing, a few tables remain at $45.00 each. Please contact Gary Huxford at 319.642.3891 or 319.551.6685 if you are interested in purchasing a table. Tables are 7-8 feet long and tablecloths are provided. Three motels are within a one to two block radius of the show. Contact them directly: - Clarion Inn – 319.668.1175 (Show location) - Super 8 – 319.668.2800 - Heritage Inn – 319.668.2700 To obtain a table or banquet tickets, email Gary at [email protected], We also have website, www.amanamarble.com. Don’t hesitate to send a message or call for more information. We hope to see you in June at Amana! Best Wishes Gary Huxford
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