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Everything posted by marbleus1

  1. pretty fancy for something to be hid. http://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/wall-decorations/decorative-art/antique-drapery-weights/id-f_348650/
  2. Possibly not clear on my post. Under No circumstances would I uncage those marbles.
  3. Saw fields of hundreds and hundreds of acres of these in South Dakota. Some 30+year ago. 10'tall, not a site you will forget.
  4. Very Cool! I know it was kidd'n/temptation to uncage. It never would have crossed my mind. The marble is still the marble, the cage is the exception.
  5. had no idea he could jam like that. damn fine session
  6. whar do piers usually go? a destination would purt much make a bridge.
  7. ya never read a good widget discussion anymore
  8. you can put out an eye with one of those things.
  9. u can charge ursef with a van de graaf generator and (do lots of tricks) including, light fluorescent light fixtures as you walk underneath. freaky on a long commercial hallway. not hard to build one.
  10. I am being informed. that the confusion is most likely the result of a misplaced modifier, possibly a dangling participle. bob!
  11. or a trip way back! Allman Brothers 9-23-70 Fillmore East: http://youtu.be/9eqSFMOZxeY
  12. i'm think'n most of us knowd that aready. was purty sure you did.
  13. close ur eyes an settle down The Allman Brothers Band - Soulshine live:
  14. aint really c'n anything points to the south thar. try this http://www.squidoo.com/something-only-a-redneck-would-say kid'ns fer kittys
  15. of what? a racoon giving a possum a belly rub. watch ur video. I aint gonna argue with ya galen. If ya skeered of the shortest lifed mammal on the planet, (because it has no defense) so be it. I dont particularly care for possums. that dont make ur comments true. You, can carry more and deadlier diesese than those you have listed. The cute assed racoon on the other hand, comes much closer to your description. done with possums.
  16. I think it is that ugly assed tail that makes ya think big rat and when skeered omit a terrible odor.
  17. They cant tear up a pet. Mr google. type possums and hit send. oh yea, what Stacy said.
  18. I think "we" know/knew more about marbles than possum's. taint a rodent! no skin problems- soft as velvet, and the teethes is fur show an no smelleir than us. well me, u could be. an at this size, jus rite for a bisquit
  19. anytime. I know ya'll have seen this, but if ever you's gonna post bout a cat. This be a cat. http://m.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27428819
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