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Everything posted by marbleus1

  1. Not a hour after I viewed this thread I saw this on ebay. this one of course, is posted in this thread heres the link ending very soon. http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1423.l2649 looks quite similar. the way those flames (fan) out david edit: to Winnie below. the one I saw on ebay - looks like if you flipped it, might be kinda wirepulley the listing said (torch marble), dont know bout that. I'm gonna post a SO in I.D. take a look, see if you have a region or manufacturer.
  2. damnitman lol was you lost in that thar double thread for 8 hours damnitman , u shoulda hollered! got lost myself. David
  3. exactly why I specified Peltier with the picture request. david
  4. I hope your "bad times" improve. Not much need to dig a marble dumping hole. Wat dat rivir rite thar. lol , david
  5. Anybody got a pic. of a Peltier "Woody"
  6. If the site of the factory is still accessable, it will have examples of the marbles made. In the on site dumps. We would greatly appreciate you checking back in, with any info uncovered. David
  7. edit, got lost all, properties of the ingredients? the mix and (mixing) - the more mixed and/or heated the more uniform, less (mixing/heated) differing mixes, differing "vescosities"? In my line of work, more or less mixing affects "viscosity" and density. Or viscosity affects density, anyway. seems the properties would have to be differant or it would be a (single) color. It looks like a hotassed glob of glass. But there is reason to believe that a past manufacturer had a lot of intentional control of that glob. Taint incidental, and it smeared cause they wanted it to. IMO David after the edit, I couldnt think of nothing, so thats what I said.
  8. Always click the enlarge on ebay first, then copy. david
  9. Some new pics. ur welcome too. Thanks for the help, david
  10. Two threads in one, I got lost, I's confused. I like it. lol I posted this there here there now here. Thats why I didnt call it copperhead - I didnt remember the pelt(copperhead). duh! If its any consolation its always been with pelts. Hell I'm sitting in the floor, I got this pile of MK out going huh, that dont make sense - duh! I thought it was a pelt. Hey but now.. I got some Marble King questions. LOL muches thanks, David Peltier Copperhead damnitman I see Mig, hell of a marble.
  11. Thats why I didnt call it copperhead - I didnt remember the pelt. duh! If its any consolation its always been with pelts. Hell I'm here, I got this pile of MK out going huh, that dont make sense - duh! I thought it was a pelt. Hey but now.. I got some Marble King questions. LOL muches thanks, David Peltier Copperhead damnitman edit: The "oilslick", Mike - I almost wanted to describe it as metalic. (oilslick fits better)
  12. sweeet A big thanks to MK and MC That is a heck of a marble - dont think much of that is blending. david
  13. I thought it a good question. Relative, Galen, relative. (thank you for the response) Compared to unrolled, there would almost have to be a "differance" of compression. Density is my question. And I aint got a clue. I would have to question "its all glass", if all things were (completely combined)(or heated past a certain point) would it not a that stage be a single colored "blob". Chemical componentants certainly the (main)(?) reactives. I saw a (glass man) take a look at the thread and move on. Sooo I'm a guessing, this dog wont hunt. But "fairly close" densities I would expect, The differances, if subtle, maybe minut. Minut may be jus enough to "fuzz" the perimeters(edge) of a line. After a much closer inspection than ever before. I see squeezing edit/pushing/seperationendedit, taking place. and sometimes unicorns. The amount of competing forces(laws) going on in something as volatile as a marble making operation, I can barely speculate. allright, I'm wordy and speculating(well past barely) but looks like (sand)(a chemical component) not mixed or formulated to the degree of surrounding............ in say concrete, density depends on a wide variety of combinations of chemicals and mixing practices. And Bread. and.... thanks for engaging galen. david relative-second cousin to my aunts third edit: to Mike below, whew, thanks, thats something to chew on. spaaat, that bubble gum - did you clean your fingers after the first -training aide!?
  14. a couple more. david I missed some colors. brown, grey edit: to steph below, if it aint it outa be.
  15. 5/8" butterscotch, mustard, orange, red, green, white. damnitman. thanks
  16. Density? Do differant formulas have differant densities? I ask, if compressed (rolled into a ball), will you get differant reactions? If a particular color, was less dense, when compressed with glass with more density wouldnt it be squeezed, (the first) forced out the sides ("sandy"). Also more likely to "smear"(gotta go somewhere) across the surface of higher density glass.? david edit: probably would be more (heat sensitive)? less dense easier to heat? or reacts at lower temperature? editedit: I expect, even if so, at some point (temperature) they would (combine/equal/blend) into the same mass (blob) but before that? Editeditedit: edit to the editeditedit alright, a density example: take a bugger. now roll it around twix yur fingers, c how some jus "disappears"(not,chk that fingernail)while the other rolls into a tight ball. lmao alright sorry bout the bugger joke. Serious question on the table!
  17. I have noticed the blistering the most on Trans Green especially with Yellow marbles and "guineas". In 2004 I bought 8 guineas in singles auctions from the same seller. The owner knew what they had (to a point) but were not vested collectors (from Ohio). All in the $325 range. All 11/16" or better meaning - 11/16+", all guinea cyclones and packed full (no mention of this in auctions). They sold about 12 maybe 15, I got 8, once I had one in hand I didnt miss another. The last 2 are gone now. My Favorite and probably the best guinea I've seen was sold to a solid collector known to the board (probably 05). I've asked over the years(by forum request) that he post pics. of the guinea, I've even asked to buy it back. That marble was never called in question during my ownership or during the sell. It Did exibit signs of "additional heat" (its what made it the Best), I've never heard anyone question the marble - but the owner has never spoke of it. I'n my mind someone convinced him it was a reheat..(and it was hid in shame(lol)). I dont know that, but this was a hell of a marble and I've never heard it spoke of. I'd still buy it back, its a $650+ guinea and I'd bet at least that much it aint been torched (unless CAC did it), course nobody said it has. I am sure that many marbles have been or attempted to be "repaired". I am just as sure that 5 times the number are falsely thought to have been!!!! CAC did something that caused "overheating" I dont know much, but that much is obvious. And I like it. The same thing that made the guinea I mention the best, its the same with this Marble. You start out hey Striped Opaque (hold 5/8" so you remember how small), then if your blind as me you head for lights and a magnifying glass. Where ya gonna look, seams and stripes, nice, woah a lill sandy thar on the Fuzzy White, it aint is it..... then ya head for the poles, tops first - DamnItMan damnitman Then! Flip! This! Bad! Boy! Upside Down. BAM there is nothing I would change, cept the size - SoftBall would be Niiice! the very parts, that so so many times get called into Question. Are What The Marble Is About. duh! david I bought this almost in the wild, on the bay, I.D.ed - cac s.o., a dozen or so other "normal" CAC-many common transactions with same seller, not known to have any "exotic" "connections", aint telling what I paid but jus did. This statement this marble and the 8 guineas, speaks to a lot of my own (torching, and "exotic") questions. The marble has been Authenticated for me by A well respected authenticator. Torches are available to anyone, that dont make ya an expert. But I read torching "facts" from most with one, and then torching "facts" from those that read about torching "facts". edit: To Bill below, sorry about the reversed title on the auction (said I was rusty) but right after I listed it. I remembered. I was taught better. "Layered Sand"
  18. This is the area in question I've took a lot of marble pictures, this is from one end to the other the best looking most intense marble I have had the pleasure of photographing. I still love the earlier handgathered stuff best. but look at this pic. -damnitman it aint often theres such a trail to follow. I LOVE this picture this is a less than 5/8" marble - when you click that enlarge its softball sized, cant get a better pic. Galen, I have added a lot of info since you posted, including the pic. - I think should be used to defend a lot of misaccused of torched marbles (normally there is not such a area as this "gear look" to explain some "abnormalitys") I would be interested in your hard look at this pic. as well as the 12 auction pics. I really think its worth your time and can think of no one more qualified. - Send me a bill.
  19. No polishing on this marble. David edit: The other board closed the topic a couple of hours after i found out about it. Dont know why, everything was cordial. this was my last point before it closed. As posted: On this next point I have never had support. There is something that CAC did that involved higher temperatures than other manufacturers. Its a "blistering" that occurs in many of thier marbles, I seen it on dozens, actually more than dozens, mostly (cause mostly made) lower end marbles. Its a thinning but has signs of high heat. this is an example of similar to what I'm talking about. another look, thin blistered one side of seam, clear as a bell other. Did the glass formula change or are all my marbles torched?? editedit:(the comment about formula was in response to the main detractor at that board) not the best example of what I'm alluding to but it was handy. :end of the other board post: I think, that CA had a higher temperature on ribbon glass than base glass/or viceversa , I think thats how they kept blending from happening, as well as better control of ribboning. Many of their marbles show signs of extreme glass heat. - busyassed torchman. this is speculation, as is that entire thread at AAM. thanks,david dont mean to sidetrack with speculation. I do need your opinion on this marble. I think that inverted picture, the same area speculated as torched is proof of the reverse - I dont think you could torch those two "gears" in, and you can watch the area in question being spun thru those gears!! I think this is the best looking marble, I've seen of this style. I'm not stopping the auction. Westcoast your welcome to cancel your bid. I would'nt its a $900 plus marble - IMO
  20. Thanks Chuck This one is going on the bay this week. I'm trying to work thru a "wad" of confusing marbles, more to come. thanks again, David rebel above?
  21. The others they brought up, are/where mine also(sold by others), one leaning toward "Layered Sand" but slightly, the other classic SO. edit:edit: 11/28 the second layered sand spoke of is not mine - the green one - the SO was. end edit: In this area at the top of Seam - one side of seam sandy the other side clear? thanks, david that would be some impressive torching! (a 5/8" marble) edit: I need your help here, ya aint gonna hurt my feelings, much! I dont know if I should stop the auction or not? I'm sure and dont want to get beat up, I also dont want to misrepresent if I am wrong!
  22. Here are two areas under discussion there and my comments. In this one there is talk about blobbing and fuzziness - my question on this one. How can the fuzzy white line not be original when the tight lines adjoining it are normal Striped Opaque? In this one its the worminess (some saying - the color running from a torch) I asked - (and I inverted the pic for a better look) with the two "blobs" turning counter to each other what would happen to that area (worms) when forced together? edit: as soon as it exits the countering forces it straightens to a more normal line, fuzziness pushed right thru the two "wheels/gears". To me this picture, if you trace the lines closely and watch as the gears turn it and too much piles up at the top of the gear - cant be pushed thru that fast - too small a opening, then above that a second wad starts to backup - who knows what next but rollers smearing -- IMO this is the definitive picture - you could asked for no more a perfect picture of the physics at work!!! The same area speculated as torched is proof of the reverse - I dont think you could torch those two "gears" In, (a 5/8" marble) (one is on the seam) and you can watch the area in question being spun thru those gears!! thanks, david
  23. Sorry about the title err C A So theres a new marble board. all about marbles. http://www.allaboutm...t=8089&start=60 Some there are saying fake some more torch In hand I find nothing that says anything is wrong, its perfect. the "blob or fuzzy" lines are "Layered Sand" I'm sure of this marble - Am I wrong? thanks, david
  24. Tough marble to see. black ribbon, green outline, black surface trace line. I'm pretty sure its two if not ? a ("wad") that hadnt blended properly yet?????? edit:deleted I say Hybrid - The Black / Green throwed me because it gives that blend appearance, because they are, ribbon color change taken place, its what had me on the "Green" Question" if they are together....then yello -- wrong. Yellow base Black & Green ribbon - hybrid - wouldnt they (bumblebee - JD) most likely be run close to one another? seen a lot of BB's lot of JD's, this one transition. OR? thanks in advance, please keep looking david I'm very rusty, please bear with me.
  25. No UV Chuck. Definitely 2 Colors Black and Trans/Green running together. The photos are already under intense light, and are how it looks inhand. I've overexosed a few .. edit:deleted thanks for looking, david
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