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Everything posted by marbleus1

  1. Steph recalls Vitro probably also - well that aint verbatum i edit: thanks all
  2. Can you tell me what I've forgot?? Akro ... edit:vitro? timeline? purpose? 78"(-)
  3. crooked, crooked, crooked crooked
  4. Gorgeous Marble. Always been a market for a Red/White/Blue marble. damn machine copys, lol. david
  5. I will be listing 2 Atmosphere "bags" 3 in each fairly soon. I'll holler when they go up. I have your "addy" when I get a chance I'll bag you up some Vacor and send your way - if you dont see them in a couple of weeks -pm me a reminder. david There are a few vacor that have some value. If you buy "lots"(numerous) marbles to a listing, vacors are "naturally" occuring and I wouldnt chase many on ebay, maybe a "super" example. There are exceptions. I believe they belong in a collection along with all the moderns. I keep examples of the fakes I acquire. ie: "atlanta" civil war marbles. david
  6. EDIT: I've had this link for years. Sometime ya cant see whats right if front of you. This "version" is a remix as a tribute to "IZ", I've always liked it that way because at the end I remember IZ. I missed that,... in times like these, some of the "interpretations" are too sad, and could be considered intrusive or insensitive. The "mix" is a tribute to IZ. The song is from IZ to you. I'm leaving the link. The Journey is for all, the sadness is a meant as a reminder of IZ. I know not, what tomorrow brings. the original post follows: I post this silly assed tune everywhere I go, dont know what it is, but it touches me deep. take the time. david "no energy is every lost, it jus changes form." - Albert E. & Jesus of Nazareth
  7. Sharon - once you open "edit" on your post, then open "use full editor". It will let you add images. david
  8. Please Post -Yours These are from the "Alans Marble" listing: I am combining -tads of info from email/paypal inoice and so on, I double check +, to try to be accurate. Please do not hesitate to contact me, for any revisions or additions. ebay soapbox thread http://forums.ebay.c...e=1327180008857 Friend of Alans: 1. handmade-vintage-swirls Hello i purchased one of these marbles for Alan , I would like to wish Alan all the best and my thoughts are with Alan and his family , also please do not send the marble. Thank you Chris. - handmade-vintage-swirls 2. I'm a very new collector and don't know Alan but I am touched by your offer to let everyone help and am so sorry for the shock to him and his family and for what he has had to endure. Please keep the marble to resell and let Alan know that prayers from even strangers are going out on his behalf. God bless you too for the strong friend that you are. -- Judy 3. collectorjred , Jean 4. scoop54 Sue - 5. final-final 6. pinx Alan: Please know you are loved and respected in the marble community, even among us who have never met you. No need to send the marble, David. Elizabeth/pinx 7. tacaulley I would like to thank Alan for the vast amount of knowledge he put out with his websites. I started buying/selling marbles 12 years ago, with the old website he use to have - I learned enough to keep me from going broke. For that I thank you very much. I have never met you but have great respect for the wisdom you bestowed upon the marble community. - Best Wishes, MAIN-MARBLE-MAN 8. wvrons No need to send anything,just list it againa and again. Thank you for this great effort and cause. Ron S. 9. tawpaw David, Thanks for doing this. No need to ship me item. Dear Marblealan, You've given me a wealth of knowledge about marbles and the marble collecting world - too through your website and I Wish to express my heartfelt thank you. Because of your work, I can now identify many different types of marbles, Peltiers, Akros, Cristensens, Handmades, ect. Your love for us marble collectors is grealy appriciated...eventough we have never met, I consider you as my friend...May god bless you my friend. Jim 10.manddrakes Mike, 11.gregsmarbles1 greg11 no need to send me anything. We are all pulling for Alan 12.swamperedscrew Thoughts and prayers for you Alan. Derrick (catfish) deHaan and Bev deHaan please send no marbles. thanks, David....mike b. 18.metalshelf Hi: Alan's help and advice when I first got involved with buying and selling marbles was invaluable. He is truly one of a kind. Thank you for undertaking this initiative and I was very pleased to hear about his induction into the marble Hall of Fame.Bob!b$ No need to send me anything. My message for Alan: God bless you, Alan, and all your loved ones. Cath 23.alaskatoflorida This was a brilliant idea, anything I can do for Alan, I will. He is the best in this unique hobby, always will be.Thank you, Jessica Disco005 24.matthew_passionDear Alan, You have made my life a much better one simply by your existence. I will always love you and cherish our many cyberspace interactions. Vaya con Dios, my dear friend. Love, Anne P.S. Bach Rules - you'll see. 25.gslnut Kathy, Hey Greg, don't worry about shipping the mibs, I'm just helping out. Let Alan and Cheryl know that John Wright from SC is praying for them both. 30.tankgrrl29 Hi David! Thanks for doing this ) 31.hjp71 Hi,I'm in the process of purchasing one of these tribute marbles to Alan Basinet. Please return this marble to your stock and forward the $ to Alan. If possible, please convey my concerns to him and thank him for sending me not only beautiful marbles but taking the time to answer questions from a very novice marble collector. Thanks, Mr. Basinet! Gail Jones 32.mrappleseed Hello.sir ,,Please dont send me the marble and accept this ..Such a profound & significant loss to all of the marble collectors of the world.. Alan will be greatly missed...Johnny Reigel (Mr Appleseed) 33.bkbowden Alan, you've meant so much to me in my marble collecting over the years. Your heart and integrity will never be forgotten. Blessings....Brian Bowden 34.enlalucha Please re-sell the marble and give Alan my best. I'm very sad. Greer Markle 35.lflo8700 Luis 36.experiencelavender thank you for all your years of generosity to those just starting out -- even and especially people you didn't know, like me. You helped preserve a history that otherwise would be lost. with love and respect, gail chaddock 37.38.crazykittie9378 Thank you Alan for all you have done for the enjoyment of marbles. You were very nice to me when I first started collecting, and I have you on my prayer list everyday. Blessings to you and your family, and never give up. Cheri 39.40.kocart1 God bless you Alan--we are praying for you and your family. You have touched a lot of lives and made people happy--our family especially! You need not send anything--send all proceeds to Alan. Our best, Kristen and Mitch Cart 41.sissydear Do not send the marble *****In Memory of another marble Gaint, Weldon Eaton***** dws 42.bjmarble Hi John,, Please keep the marble and give it to the next child you see for me. For me Alan made marble collecting more enjoyable because - you could always ask him anything and he "took the time" to respond. His integrity was beyond reproach and his love for the hobby was undeniable. Alan always called it like he saw it whether it was in describing the condition of a marble or giving his opinion on politics or Ebay. We are loosing a GIANT and I for one can not thank him enough for everything over the last 15 years I have known him. Peace be with you my friend!!! Brad, 43.44.eagleridgegifts Resell them. If possible, I would like just a single header and baggy memento to put my fav in in honor of Alan. Jane 45.arasmus Al, 46.creo333 Please, send no marbles. Thanks, Wolf felixelgee No marbles please, just warm thoughts and prayers to the best marbler. Woodside Jane, 51.52.retdex Please do not send marbles. God Bless Alan! No marbles necessary. I love Alan, too. Raelyn, 57.58.papajay4 Please do not send the marbles, just keep'em rollin. If you talk to Alan, tell him Walt says hello and to keep lookin up. Thanks, Walter Steward 9papajay4) 59.albard0 Alphy, 60.marblebert Bertram, 61.62.lutznut Hi, I bought two marbles for Alan's auction just send one keep the other one. I'll put in my collection. Thanks. Mike vankempen lutznut. 63.griff-mo I already have a Marble Alan marble,so no need to send the one I just bought,,,,,keep rolling mine over too.Griff 64. 5-fang-lu Alan was there when I first started collecting marbles. His influence and integrity protected countless newbies like me and promoted our interest in the hobby. I printed out many pages from his site and read them carefully, and I consider him my "teacher" in the field. His knowledge of marbles is astounding, and he's set a brilliant example for the marble collecting community. Alan has always been a paragon of honesty and integrity. He's smart, articulate, funny, and inspirational. Whatever happens, I will always associate marble collecting with Alan Basinet, and I will always be profoundly grateful to him for everything he's shared with us. I'm buying a marble, but please don't ship it. Please give everything to Alan. I'm praying for Alan and his family. With great respect and admiration, Laura B. 65.66. 402leeslegendarymarbles Hello, Marble Alan we (Lee's Legendarymarbles and Collectibles) would like to say "thank you Marble Alan". You are one of a kind just like the marbles you sell. Our prayer's are with you,your friends and family. You are a "LEGEND". Thanks for all the great advice and help, your friends always! Lee and Charles Batterton 67. bfridlin do not send the marble - Although I only know Alan from a couple of telephone conversatios, from his reputation and from buying marbles from him, it is hard for me to accept his desire not to accept treatment. I have been successfully treated for lymphoma ten times over 15 years in Atlanta and in Alabama at UAB where I am presently undergoing a bone marrow transplant at the UAB hospital in Birmingham. The pancreatic cancer treatment team at UAB has been successful in positive treatment of pancreatic cancer patients. If Alan would be at least willing to talk to them here at UAB, it would be great. I know a pancreatic cancer patient who has been successfully treated at UAB who would be willing to talk to Alan. Talking does not hurt. Please call me on my cell phone so that you can update me on the situation. Trying to help here. call xxx-xx2-3500 I am presently in Birmingham at UAB Hospital. I live in Troy, Alabama. Bert Fridlin Bert has made numerous attempts to pass this info to Alan - dws - 68.grandpamarble I can't express my sorrow for this sadest of all news. I had pancreatitis myself but caught it early enough to recover, one of the lucky less that 5%. I want to thank Alan for all of his courtesies and for his willingness to share his knowledge, always within 24 hours. No words can express my gratitude, or give an accounting of anything like the sum of his contributions to us all. The most respected authority in the field, ever. Thank you Alan, Terry 69.bobblocksmarbles Note from Marble Collectors Corner:here's an additional donation for alan. The last thing he should have to worry about right now is getting bills paid. *** +$250**** 70.dibsonmibs I just want to thank you for all the wonderful years of marbles you gave us on Ebay. I enjoyed looking at your auctions, learned alot about marbles from you and even bought a few (well, more than a few) marbles from you. Sorry to hear about your illness I will add you and your family to my prayer list. Thanks! Janice. 71.72.mkw_designs Please send me one for my collection. One is to honor Alan, the other is to say thanks to Cheryl and everyone else who is working so hard.Marlene aka mkw_designs. 77.bodocker We are praying Alan,a super guy and friend and a great marble grader bodocker 78.luckygiddle big thanks to Alans friends in Lebanon thanks Peter, dws/mb1 83.member436167 Please keep the marble and resell it. Thanks for your efforts. Steve 84.jamesallowayartglass 85.baileytjblue Thank you for doing this for such a wonderful man. 86.sam090944 87.titanphreak Alan, the marbles I have purchased from you are some of the favorites in my collection. My wife surprised me with one ay christmas time that I had shown her on Ebay - while bragging that you had the best quality available. You have also been very kind to answer my questions as a beginning collector. It is much appreciated. I wish you the best in your fight - in the coming months and my thoughts and prayers are with you. 88.tex10guy Please donate this marble back for resale. 89.machinemades 90.konzalaw Thanks MarbleAlan for all the fun times we had bidding on your marbles. No need to send item. Thanks Again Alan. Konzalaw 91.froskie Please keep the marble for another sale, although I think it is lovely. Please send Alan my love and wish for him to have peace. 92.moore101158 thank you Alan for teaching a newbie collector so very much. Without the wealth of info gained through you, I believe I may have not continued on. You are in my thoughts. Lilly 93.zaboo 94.zensum It has been quite a trip, Alan. Will be not be the same Pizzaz! without such a good friend and guide. Miss You.. Thank You for everything, which is a lot. Please don't send the package but use the funds to do the right thing for Alan. Feels like the world has changed. Thank You, Michael Fox 95.96.bucca all my prayers are with Alan he is one wonderful person to know thanks...,jeff 97.98.rhgeis65jk Alan,you are in my prayers,Sincerly,Bob Geis 99.runnuup Please resell. Alan thanks for everything. 100.sarister72 Thanks very much to Alan. I am an 11 year old collector and a couple of my favorite marbles came from marblealan. 101. marbleman9408 Marble Alan-My favorite seller! Thank you for the schooling on Marbles.Always a big smile on my face at the marbles you sold.Description & grading first class,exceptional. Con grads on marble hall of fame Induction.I wish you wrote a book on marbles.I would have been first in line,you no that.Love and prayers my brother,please get well. You are a True GLASS MASTER and Teacher.Marbles are a kick in the GLASS.Marbleman9408... 102.bmds2012 do not send but re-sale to help Alan financially 103.juliedexter for Alan and I don't want the marble, I just want to help....Julie 104.jsdustin We love you Alan and admire your unfailing integrity and contributions to the wonderful world of marbles.. John and Lanie Dustin 105.106.lucask7 Thanks Alan! You are in our thoughts and in our prayers! Kathy&Randy (lucask7) 107.daveinva Do not ship the marble. Send the proceeds including shipping fees to Alan.Im glad I'm able to help . 108.phbern1917 Of course I was shocked to hear from Alan from the hospital when he told me his terrible news. I am still at a loss for words 109.jimandy151A year ago I had malignant, inoperable, 4th stage cancer. 3 kinds. Now it's all gone. Don't give up. There are lots of things you can do in addition to what the oncologists say. One of the herbs someone recommended can be found easier under the name pau d'arco. Cat's claw is another good one. Get some tropical fruits like mangosteen & noni. Goji & acai are good, too. GET A LOCAL NATUROPATH. It's out-of -pocket, but the doctors will have you way in debt anyway. 110.007jpt I will say a prayer for you Alan, you have made marble collecting what it is now. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  9. Kudos kudos well deserved and excellantly timed. A thank you from this collector to Alan B. and the Hall of Fame. thanks for the posting Alan. david
  10. Winnie I have bought the same exact combo with 5/8"(probably bigger 21/32") & 13/16" and the wirepulls out of Germany all in one lot. I believe same manufacturer for both also. Jus whar? lol david good look'n marbles all killer bill
  11. Yes Bill Three are sold. Bottom right (large case) and bottom left the Akro &the Peltier cases are sold the rest are available.
  12. $30 you pick. Rylee knows the pics are up I should give her first choice I guess. Its 1:35 est if she aint picked that one at 2:35 est time its yours.
  13. I have some, will try to get some pictures in the next couple of days. David
  14. I dont have a pic handy, and mine arn't that color but they remind me of some marbles from Argentina - dont know if they were manuf. there.(but 3 lots of similar from there) They have a kinda peltier feel to them though. most of mine are blue/white. I'll get you a pic soon. david
  15. I was thinking about running a "multiple available" 30 day Ebay auction. probabably a non discript (game marble) 1000 available. with a buy it now of $25 or $50. Comments? / suggestions david and since his PO box is common available knowledge include it for direct to Alan payments. I would not consider my purchase of one a donation, more of a buy Alan a dinner item. Alan may very well not like it, but hes on drugs so I aint listen.n - thats a joke - but a lill one.
  16. I've got the camera put up and the pictures I have dont show much differant. Its a brother to that last one in the copperhead thread, it doesnt have that "oilslick" patch but could be same run otherwise. heres 1 I'll get some better next week. this is the one in the other thread. thanks
  17. and what even who is this guy thanks for looking, david edit 2 more
  18. Could be they wanted a Agate look stone david
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