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Everything posted by marbleus1

  1. Wow thank goodness for those touch marks. lol - "yeah well the marble we bought was 5/8"..." know thats right David
  2. Damn I thought Galen jus did? How bout you give it a shot. I'm a learn'n somethin, ya'll make it hard sometime. lol,David threadjacking - bah humbug you put the big numbered list up makes most topics relavent
  3. Great pics of the main topic on the whole board. Tuned in. Heh folks news flash Galen leans towards CAC. Just opinions thats all. The dead horse might be the presumed prosecution of Jabo. Galens post was typical Galen. I collect Jabos and did not find it offensive. He may think as he chooses. I enjoy differing viewpoints, admitably dislike whining. Got a much better (including 3/4" CAC) vintage than Jabo collection - (still rassl'n that percieved against actual value thing). Again great pics of the topic most discussed even requested. Thanks, David Hopefully Steph will be collecting these to close for comfort pics in various threads for a compilation. David your last post was an enjoyable read, but your previous post in this thread seemed to jus ridicule something that you had requested, nigh challenged be presented. Took ya long enough.
  4. My problem with these marbles is the same it has been since these "private financed and expieramental" runs begin and its not the marbles. For the most part the runs have produced some gorgeous marbles. Some of the pics I have seen for the latest runs are Spectacular. Its the lack of real information. Plenty of Pics. and (well deserved) spectacular reviews but lill info on numbers of marbles run. Buckets of (oh yea) Silver Oxbloods. The hoarding of pertinent marble value information is for Profit alone. The owners of this info no full well its value and most other discussion seems to be smoke screen. Love of the marble, yea right - me too! I do love the new marbles, David
  5. Best look'n machined Lutz i've seen. David
  6. Not much else should need be said. cept maybe study up. Oh yea - marbles are tough, I'm sorry but again duh. Its a business and as such has a responsibility to produce a sellable product. Couple of years back you could not sell a case of their marbles. As far as similaritys.................. Most of us have thousands of marbles, but what we really want mostly are quite similar...marbles ya know. No cry'n in marbles, David
  7. One of the nicest group of machined marbles I've seen. Love the size! David
  8. I said long ago I thought you were onto something. An Extroidinary Collection of work. Valuable to the community information has been saved, hell created. A most sincere Thank You, I have used this study hall often. I am impressed. The amount of time you have spent on this. Again Thank You! David
  9. It was here that I knew Patry. She will be missed. David
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