Great pics of the main topic on the whole board.
Tuned in.
Heh folks news flash Galen leans towards CAC.
Just opinions thats all.
The dead horse might be the presumed prosecution of Jabo.
Galens post was typical Galen.
I collect Jabos and did not find it offensive. He may think as he chooses.
I enjoy differing viewpoints, admitably dislike whining.
Got a much better (including 3/4" CAC) vintage than Jabo collection - (still rassl'n that percieved against actual value thing).
Again great pics of the topic most discussed even requested.
Thanks, David
Hopefully Steph will be collecting these to close for comfort pics in various threads for a compilation.
David your last post was an enjoyable read, but your previous post in this thread seemed to jus ridicule something that you had requested, nigh challenged be presented. Took ya long enough.