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ann last won the day on October 17 2022

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    The Inner Banks, N.C.
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  1. The OPs posted don`t have any traits of the Pelt miller swirls - that I can see.
  2. The more I see in the big one makes me think it's a nice Veiligglas Wirepull. These are popular with collectors now (including me!).
  3. So would I. It might be a nice contemporary - artist - made. Mind posting different views of it?
  4. Also the Archives, where you can also get lost chasing around, for many pleasant, even great ID-ing days. And lots of pics of beautiful marbles. Go there and to the Study Hall and just start reading. Randomly, or I tend to go from the earliest to the later ones. Such wonderful stuff!
  5. ann


    Collector name. If you look at the colored pics, you can just see, on some of them, that what appears as just a band, is actually a band that is a little wider on one end than the other. Where the two different - sized ends meet you can see that viewed just right it can look like a mushroom. Cap on top of a stem. It`s a stretch, but now accepted as a name for these weird things.
  6. ann


    I`m sure there must be a thread on here somewhere - I think it was probably the first time anyone here heard "Mushroom." Maybe a hunt through the Archives, or maybe Steph remembers it - Bat Signal for Steph?
  7. # 1 is a Peltier Multi-colored Swirl. (MCS). Not common. Nice one. It would help us a lot if you posted more than one view of each marble. Frequently the defining feature is not shown in one random view. And these look interesting enough to spend the time to do that!
  8. I know the 4th one down, The yellow with red, is Chinese. Otherwise, what akroorka said - they look pretty interesting.
  9. ann


    That`s what I remember. I think it was our old friend Winnie in Amsterdam who first talked about them, but my brain cells are getting a little frayed in that era . . .
  10. What a great, informative thread! I do feel enlightened! Thanks, Dave
  11. Weird one. I`d almost say foreign something.
  12. Totally agree with you both.
  13. ann

    ID on these

    It should be a logical guess, but unfortunately neither has the character traits of a German = large gapes where the seams meet, very straight white slag lines on/near the surface, not a lot of internal action (but some, occasionally), and viewed from the side shows very straight, not curved "half-moon" shapes. It`s one of the ways you can tell them from a CAC slag. CACs always have some (and sometimes more) curvy-ness there. And I do have a lot of machine-made German slags. Not the same number as CACs, unfortunately. But that`s why I just can`t go there, to the Germans. I wish I could, but there`s just not anything there that should be. I still think there`s a marble company in Europe we don`t know about yet. It would fill the bill!
  14. Wish I could help, but these are squirrelly to me too. I have a couple and have seen more, and don`t really have a grip on them. Maybe someone will come around and enlighten us.
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