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Everything posted by ann

  1. They're what most of us call "Euro swirls" . . . But as Ron said, we don't know a whole lot about them. Except that they seem to be from somewhere in Europe. I've read that they're found sometimes with wirepulls, which has led some people to think that they might be by the same maker -- whoever that was. Me, I'm waiting for Winnie to figure it out and tell us. No pressure, Winnie . . .
  2. They were! I finally started to like those giant circular intersections when I realized that if you missed the turn you wanted to take, you'd just be circled around again and again until even an idiot could work their way over, across multiple lanes of traffic, and catch the correct turn. We took to comparing the experience to those sections on some roller coasters where you go into spiraling turns (usually shrieking "I hate this part I hate this part")
  3. Not to mention driving on the wrong -- uh, I mean the other -- side of the road . . . And what we took to calling the whirlarounds.
  4. Now now, I have fond memories of hitchhiking in England and northern Scotland back in 1972. When you could do such things. In October and November. At least, now that I am safely removed from the experience. For quite a while, though, those memories weren't entirely fond, I admit. I do distinctly remember the hot and cold taps. And having to put coins in a machine to release enough hot water for a bath. But the breakfasts were great.
  5. Interesting -- I can't tell from the photo -- can you find an end to the whacked-out ribbon and follow it through the marble to the other end? Or are there multiple ribbons?
  6. You realize the header abbreviation of this topic is "Adventures in Spontaneous C." So I got all worked up wondering what the heck you were gonna do with "Adventures in Spontaneous Combustion." Needless to say I was disappointed.
  7. So far, I don't seem to be processing this very well . . . Am still at the "Not OUR Clyde, surely" phase.
  8. Let us (by that I really mean me) know when you're ready to go. I'm interested!
  9. OK, I finally saw some of the D.A.S. crystal ones some of you guys were talking about, and you were right, they're fine. Just bought these:
  10. The few I've found have suffered a little, too. Also the wirepulls, especially the older ones. Wouldn't be going to sell those, would you? Huh? Huh?
  11. "Coat of Many Colors?" Just sayin' . . .
  12. I'm reluctant to call it a Joselh's Coat . . . not as many colors as I'd like to see. But that may just be my personal taste and classifying system . . . But I think we all agree, not an onionskin . . .
  13. I particularly like the commercial where they use a puma instead of an eagle . . . but then I'm a Cat Person. Even so, I'd vote for Fritzy.
  14. I'd be one of the ones calling it a banded transparent . . .
  15. Micas are one of my terrible weaknesses . . .
  16. It looks related to those strange Anacortes "horseshoe" cat's-eyes to me. But I could be seeing things, just because I have a small handful of Anacortes horseshoes that are very similar in color -- the weird gray-orange combo - although most of mine are darker gray than yours. I pretty much got them because of their whacked-out color. Got to think about the most interesting boring . . . .
  17. Yep. Most of the time, if you look closely, they're actually kind of a pond-scum green. Easier to see in colorless and light blue ones.
  18. I like "vampires in their cute." Whatever that means.
  19. I hope this link works . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTTDoT2RH40&feature=player_embedded
  20. ann

    Happy Halloween?

    What a nice moon shot . . .
  21. And it still lives. I just revisited this thread for the first time in a very long while, and discovered the gray-based swirls -- which I have two of in my Unknown Box. Moving them tonight!
  22. That's what I thought -- thanks.
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