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Everything posted by feelnmarbleous

  1. No it's actually very challenging, the lake is a 8 acre lake and you can only fish from shore, and seeing it is about 25' deep in most places they can be very hard to find let alone getting them to bite...
  2. Everything about that mib in Rics post looks Vitro (in the set of four) only reason i ask is because this one was said to be Vitro by a few and not Vitro by a few because it had real Ox and the colors seem spot on with Rics...
  3. slip bobber with a Tattle Tell and leader, with 20# test and fresh water Mullet ( Stone Roller ) and or Mud Leeches Float setup Mullet Here was a really good day we had
  4. If the third one in your post of 3 mibs has real Ox id say it is pretty HTF if not Rare, ive only seen one other like it.. Vitro Aquamarine w/Ox VERY NICE ! Any chance of a some different views of that mib in that post Ric ?
  5. Ric ??? Are you being serious ? i could be wrong but that looks 100% Vitro also...
  6. There is bad people in every hobby but dang Marbles ? Kids Toys ? i guess any time there is money involved you'll have your snakes move in...
  7. And sorry to the rest of the folks on the board, but it seems the marble world is always on the fritz in some way shape or form, it never stops it's always drama, it has to be the most shameful undermining hobby i have ever got into, always out for a buck or to rip someone off (knowingly in most cases) but again im sorry but it had to be stated that Mike doesn't mind ripping people off to boast about the collection he has built by stealing from people....
  8. Yeah Derick, apparently he's been ripping people off for years (which i did not know) which is fine because Karmageddon has come and he is paying for it...
  9. YOU GAVE ME 2 flats of junky nicked up flea bit mibs (which is my fault for not going through them well enough) but you knew and peeled out of there in a hurry!! i'm not the only one you have done this to so it's no secret how you work......... And please lets do air it all out here Mike, if your dumb enough to tell people how you really make yout money then so be it, point is you ripped me off, 4 flats ??, there was 2 flats of str8 junky common mibs like i said what go's around comes around.... NOW IT ENDS ! And for the record i called you first to buy some of my collection so i could get you in any way icould for selling me a bunch of JUNK MIBS for a Mint+ BLACK CAC S/O w/OX !!!!!!!!!
  10. Sorry i haven't been around lately ive had it kind of rough the past few months with our shop being very slow and losing the I.E for some time, but this is what i was doing to pass the time and put my mind at ease...
  11. Nice mibs there Ric !! Heres a few of my fav Champs ! And one of my REALLY REALLY FAVS !! PASTEL CHAMP !
  12. Third mib over in Rics post looks 100% Vitro to me Also mandrakes looks Vitro also...
  13. Ric i gotta ask what that mib is in your Avatar that thing is awesome !
  14. Looks like a Liberty to me with some extra funk......
  15. Well you just gotta rub it in huh ? you ripped me completely off for that mib Mike and you know it of course your going to deny it, but facts are facts you gave me a bunch of crap common mibs for it after you said there was a bunch of good stuff in there. No worries what go's around comes around !!!!!!!
  16. No i don't eat these, they pay us to put them back, plus i wouldn't even attempt to eat em, those big boys deserve to fight another day IMHO Well i can't resist im back out to the lake i hope everyone has a great week !
  17. Just got back from a killer trip 50 lb Shovel Head... 39 Pound Blue Cat 47 Pound Shovel Head... we caught more but didn't have time to get pics we caught about 800 pounds of Trophy Catfish...
  18. I believe i have a few just like those around here some where, ill have to go through them, nice find Ric..
  19. Please do, it looks awesome, is that a tan in there with the blue ?
  20. The worm is like any other, the news made it out to be very malicious when in reality it's not, you can boot up in safe mode and get rid of it, it writes to your registry..
  21. I'm sure any Vista user infected with this is highly frustrated lol, Windows 7 PWNS !!
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