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Everything posted by TeeElsey

  1. Would you like a couple of 'possums to try it out on? They're kinda like kittens. lol
  2. Steph, box turtles are omnivores... they will eat almost anything they can fit in their mouth. (mouth?) (beak?) Whatever it's called. lol I cleaned my terrarium out a few days ago and filled it with about 6 inches of fresh, loose dirt and leaf mulch that was full of little roly poly looking bugs, but with softer shells, and also earthworms. The turtles have been having a time running around eating all the bugs and stuff. Spiders too! It's so cool to watch. Lloyd, thank you SO MUCH for the nice gift I got in the mail yesterday, and if Chris doesn't read the board, then tell her I said thank you also. You two are just TOO kind!
  3. That looks like a really nice set-up. I'm sure they are loving their new home.
  4. TeeElsey


    Daaaang... I would have enclosed a disclaimer regarding their toxicity if I'd known you were going to consume them...
  5. Hi, Mr. Barton. Hope all is well with you. I was showing David (marbleus1) the view of your colorful rooftop from Google Earth just a few weeks ago.
  6. Yay! I usually let them soak every other day or every third day for a few hours in a pan of water that is about as deep as their legs. They hang their heads underwater when they are drinking. It sometimes looks like they are drowning or dead, but they aren't. LOL. They just do that to scare us. They like to dig around and bury in damp soil and mulch. They LOVE earthworms, and also moistened cornbread or dogfood. You can keep a shallow dish of water in their enclosure, as long as it has something like straw on the bottom to help them flip themselves over if they turn upside down in it. Call, text, or message if you have ANY questions. Hope y'all enjoy them! ~ Tracy
  7. I just tracked them. They should be there by 3:30 your time. Praying they arrive in good order! I'll PM you the #.
  8. Meet Scuter Brown, David Wayne, Sally May, and Curtis Loew. They left Mississippi this afternoon, and should arrive in Pennsylvania sometime around noon tomorrow. Lloyd reserves the right to change their god-given Southern names to more appropriate Yankee ones as he sees fit. LOL.
  9. Steph, you would LOVE this cat. He is HUMONGOUS, and he thinks he's a dog. I generally do not like felines, but I'm stealing this one.
  10. 54 and sunny here. It was 73 last night. Had to turn the fans on.
  11. Thanks Edna and BJ. I appreciate the info, Edna. Yes, it would be nice to see other Gentile work posted. ~Tee
  12. I found this today at a garage sale. Since it was only $2, I decided to splurge. I googled the marking on the bottom and came up with Gentile Glass.
  13. When I was in junior high, I won the Thriller album, along with a sequined glove from a local radio station. I was ecstatic. I sure wish I could find that glove. RIP MJ.
  14. I would like to add that Lou is also 'The Man.' Thanks for this board, Lou.
  15. Griff is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and a true gentleman.
  16. That's awesome. I set it as the background on my phone.
  17. My tree-topper was made by Boyd Miller, I think.
  18. I guess they're mostly a Southern thing... started by slaves. Bottle trees are supposed to confuse and trap evil spirits before they can get inside the house. Here's a nice one in front of one of the shacks at The Shack Up Inn in Clarksdale, MS. (My favorite place to stay when I visit the Crossroads.)
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