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steves mibs

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Everything posted by steves mibs

  1. hey all i am trying to find a vitro guide for sale if anyone has one send me a message thanks steve ice
  2. when you go digging in dirt full of glass shards and rusty metal pieces of scrap mixed among bricks and mud and you pull out the gems sometimes just a few but sometimes hundreds and maybe even thousands find their way home to u u bleed some, lose some skin, get really sore from digging but in the end he has the most wins steve lol u have to b a real digger to understand
  3. hey all thanks steph for the extra info I have the exact marbles that are in the hot shot bags that I dug at AKRO a few years back from a very deep hole I will try to post a few pics soon as I can dig them out steve
  4. hey all AKRO did package and sell swirls they are found in the HOT SHOT bags I have the pic somewhere I do have a box full of swirls that came from the digs just a little info for everyone steve
  5. hey winnie nice patches u have there but not paul bunyons in my opinion steve
  6. and by the way he got enough to fill a box car but not from a box car lol steve
  7. no.......to the first one for sure steve
  8. i go with rich on the left because of mib number nine
  9. hey all that mib is 100% brand spanking new chinese import these marbles are found at the dollar store here there are like 4 or 5 different styles so far that i have anyhow thought someone might like the truth steve
  10. hey all i watched the video and looked at the posted pics............... now can someone post more pics of the marbles????? i tried my best to catch a view on the video but no dice i really wanna see more pics of those mibs thanks steve
  11. hey sue as bad as i don't want to say it ...i almost have to....you should be able to count to 22 with said clothing removed. just throwing that out there i was told a long time ago by a wise man that if you have a 5/8 marble to start with...every time you add 1/8 of size to the marble you add another whole 5/8 marbles worth of glass to it..and from the looks of all the posted info it looks like he was really close in his calculations steve
  12. how about 68 points total saints 35 colts 33
  13. the 1st one might be akro although i see some vitro qualities there but the 2nd one is not akro IMHO never seen any at the digs or in akro collections that i recall i have seen several of those type marbles mostly with the champion/ravenswood/other company swirls anyhow there is my 2 cents steve
  14. damn nice marbles!!!!! i had to dig my own up for christmas nice score steve
  15. not that it worth an argument but here goes i dont claim to know much in life about anything but what i do have is a decent amount of akro know how i have seen more dug marbles than 99.9% of everyone else i have been so lucky to have been there at different times when jackpots were found the brick holes, the slag holes, the sparkler vein, the thousands upon thousands of supermen that poured from the ground, the huge cork holes, the patch crater which by the way is still very full, glass ware by the piles, cullet chunks in three foot veins, more than most can imagine but anyhow i am fairly sure that all the "crows" were dug out of the same hole that gave mostly orangish red marbles that some diggers called early flinties the same spot also gave some bricks and some uranium slaggy looking marbles i was right there about 4 feet down getting mine those cold days a few years back if anyone has any older ones i would love to know where they came from not saying it is impossible but i never saw any until that time steve
  16. hey glangley and others the "famous" or so crow/kingfisher marbles were all dug up about 3 years ago on one of the 2 big digs on the old akro property dig several diggers bypassed them while looking for more $$$ marbles i was lucky to get the ones i did from one to another they have somewhat different patterns anyhow there u go info for the masses steve
  17. hey all champion did make cat eyes and loads of them too i figure i have dug many many many from there and have opened about 100 bicentennial bags that all had cat eyes in them anyhow there are 2 cents to add in steve
  18. wow what a score nice going on that grab i thought i was doing good getting about 110 blue and yellow st marys cateyes for $10 keep up the good work steve
  19. i wonder what the heck i am supposed to jam in here?

  20. why question the horsehair oxbloods and not the orange and white swirls that are on the left side of the box? i have questions that any of those marbles are truly original to that very box i wish it were mine but still would have concerns over the contents just 2 cents steve
  21. hey guys them there mibs are roosters for sure a nice mega marble walmart has them for about 1.97 25 to a pack with a shooter i have seen as many akros as anyone ever and them ain't AKRO lol steve
  22. .9850 how bout that for a winning guess thanks for the chance steve
  23. hey felicia give me 21 please thx steve
  24. hey guys i never saw one over 5/8 except for double ingots types and they were never nice enough to keep..but they were never that big... about 3/4 is the biggest master glass marble i have ever seen personally hope it helps a little i would like to see a pic too steve
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