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Everything posted by semdot

  1. Steph has it's number, but I wanted to point out the marbles. They are all slags with would sell for $1-$5 each in perfect condition but these are far from perfect. You would not expect to see original boxed marbles all dinged and chipped. If they were taken out and mistreated, how could they all make it back into the box? Obviously this collection was assembled from loose marbles in the wild.
  2. This is the first one I have ever seen too. Sharp marb.
  3. semdot

    Coral Swirls

    It would be a sub to me.
  4. semdot

    Coral Swirls

    I can verify that Les posted that picture with those IDs but it was a long time ago. Not long before this, collectors called all corals CA for many years. Les changed the entire hobby with this picture and ID in an Ebay auction. At least that's when it changed for me. Les went on to get heavily involved in the CA digs after this. I could be wrong but I think he changed his mind about the whole coral situation. The current feeling, far as I know, is that all corals were Champion. It doesn't seem right to me somehow, to just group the clear green base killer corals with all the rest though. All the corals are attractive, but I really love the clear green ones.
  5. Oh sure. Keep it until you get another blue bee. They come around every 3 lifetimes or so.
  6. Blue bees bring big bucks. It would have to have blue adventurine though, and be in better shape. Still, hard to find those colors. Pelt NLRs are the only ones with that broken cork pattern that I know of.
  7. IMO one went pretty high and the other two were steals. These are very rare mables, especially at those sizes.
  8. It would not be the first time that a swirl was mis-identified. I can't say which is right in this case. Actually I would trust this particular seller's opinion more than my own over most swirl marbles. Ask this question directly to the seller and trust him to give you an honest answer. He has a great reputation.
  9. Your example marble received no bids at $9.38, including shipping. I am willing to use your isolated example and say that the posted marbles would not sell for $65.66 (7*9.38), as long as you first removed big chips from them I don't see missing glass in the posted marbles, only an overall frosted appearance, and possibly many small moons. A couple of the marbles look lots better than the worse one.
  10. If you sell them together as a group on Ebay without provenance, you might expect $30-60. With provenance, not sure, but lets say 2x or 3x.
  11. Nice pictures! I can state it's definately either a dog or a rhino or a triceratops or a manbearpig or something else.
  12. All Vitro for sure and possibly a buttermilk.
  13. I been around forever and I still don't know the difference. All I know is that there is a huge controversy. It was pretty clear cut when I learned it 20 years ago and I just don't care enough to investigate all the history and take a poll to relearn it. Somebody on this board almost told the difference once but then nothing.
  14. Most Vitros do not have a "V". They come in many different styles. Learn the basics from this post by sissydear. It has tons of pictures and information about Vitros. I don't know if there is a book that has more. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8597&st=0&p=74528&hl=vitro%20thread&fromsearch=1entry74528
  15. Sorry they are not Vitro, or maybe they are, but they are newer.
  16. Never seen it before but it looks new. The marbles are new. Doesn't the book have a copyright date on the other side of the title page?
  17. The green ones are Vitro Blackies.
  18. A nice V is way more desirable but we are still not talking big bucks.
  19. That can be tricky to tell even with the marble in hand. Pop it in a clear glass of water and look at it.
  20. Popeye's are very colorful and striking with tons of shelf appeal. Even non-collectors think they are beautiful. Price is driven by demand.
  21. Nah thats not how Vitro V's go. Vitro V comes from getting folded into a buttcrack. The V is the color around the fold, not the crack itself.
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