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Everything posted by semdot

  1. What do you supose the ratio between buyers and sellers is in Ebay, and how does that compare to your average mall? Ebay did what they thought they had to do. They started seeing more sellers and fewer buyers. With happy buyers they can always find people willing to sell. Happy sellers and few buyers does not work nearly as well. Yes there are lowlife buyers scamming the system. The same goes for sellers. Unscrupulous sellers can do more damage in a shorter time than buyers.
  2. Never heard or suspected of a marble with a bead. Still not even sure I believe it
  3. My understanding is that Ebay ignores 3,4,and 5 star ratings, but they hammer you if you ever get 1 or 2 stars. I am too lazy to look up the reference. They said something to the effect that 3,4, and 5 stars is pretty subjective but 1 or 2 stars indicates a problem.
  4. Im not sure what you are asking. Adventurine isn't "dark", it's "sparkley". If the adventurine is too subtle to spot at arms length, it doesn't really matter if it's there or not (to me).
  5. Some buyers want round marbles. Most (I think) don't care, especially concerning handmades.
  6. They write stuff on the edge of 0.5 caret diamonds, but I understand if not everyone has a scribing laser at their disposal.
  7. It's just the black cross through. Far as value, I guess buyers would line up for $20 and many collectors would soul search at $50. A collector might talk themself into paying $70 but maybe not. These are estimates for mint btw; divide by 2 for each fleabite.
  8. I have seen more golden rebels than bees too. Bees might be more rare but I just consider them wanna-be rebels. Supermen and superboys have a similar pattern, rarity, and price relationship.
  9. Strange, wonderful, and awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Somewhere around $10 I would say.
  11. Geez maybe you should read Steph's post again (and again and again, until you get it right).
  12. They look totally authentic. Nice examples.
  13. I don't recall ever seeing adventurine in CA, just Alley. I don't have many CA either, but they always get my attention at the shows.
  14. Might be a reproduction of the classic fantasy bag...
  15. I think Pelt slag feathering is more than just white strings, it's more like white vanes. The optical chatoyancy comes from stacking wide, flat ribbons of white, something like window blinds. The wider and closer together the vanes, the more chatoyant they are.
  16. At least one contemporary artist knows the trick. I brought a Pelt slag shooter at a flea market and only noticed afterward that it was signed.
  17. Not sure which marble we are talking about any more, but most of them look clearly Vitro to me, including Mikes'.
  18. I have never seen them before but they look like the real deal.
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