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Everything posted by semdot

  1. I mostly go by colors first and patterns second, but you could use a common ebay strategy and just call all of your marbles CAC.
  2. The top one has an Akro stamped logo. The bottom one must be Akro too, but I have not seen one that indented base before. The difference is not because of different makers, it's just different molds. Akro owned the "art" copyright for this design.
  3. Thanks Paula. That will help. It appears I am forced to slog through all the forums to keep on top of things though. I don't reply to every interesting post, and occasionally a post becomes interesting some time after my first view. The old forum "View new posts" feature was nice while it lasted.
  4. The old forum had a feature I used all the time - to find and view new posts . This one does not that I can see. It has a "View New Content" button, but it only displays threads I have never looked at since the move (5741 of them). Once I view a thread, it never again shows up in "View New Content", no matter how many posts appear afterward. If I reply in a topic, and somebody else replies after me, I want to be able to see that. Yes I know I can find my posts under my account, then inspect each one to see if there is a later reply. The old forum "View new posts" made that much easier. Am I missing something?
  5. In this thread, the first post has black text and all replys have red text. The signatures are all dark gray. Right now, while I am replying, all the posts have black text.
  6. I have a large Alley with black adventurine flames. It's not as heavy as on some Pelts but it's not subtle either.
  7. The truth is that anyone can be vulgar. So why doesn't everyone do it? Swearing empowers people, but only to other people who think swearing empowers them. This is especially true for young teens. Just an observation.
  8. The Pelt patch looks more like a Vitro pea type. Both blue/white/red are Vitro helmets. I agree on the newer MK watermelon.
  9. Could be a pearlized patch but it doesn't have to be. I would guess that bucket has $10 worth. It might have 1-2 lucky strikes to make it worth $50. I can't see anything over that.
  10. I have a 100 count (red) box of Peltier game marbles that has all the colors. I am pretty sure that the original retailer mixed all colors of 100 count Peltier boxes to make game sets, because of the consistency of color and swirling in the marbles, and because I compared the colors with other boxes I encountered at shows. I would not call them opalescent. They are kind of off-color. I can get light through the green ones but they are still on the opaque side of translucent. The rest are more opaque than green. They have distintive colors, and most all of them have an flattened S shaped cut mark which is filled with clear(er) glass. I might be able to provide pictures later.
  11. Red on blue Peerless is keeper for sure but not rare. Yours is better than average from the extra curvy patch and from the dark outline. Striking marble.
  12. This Listing Is Unavailable Ebay killed it? Wonder what he said.
  13. I can't say if it is authentic or not, but it bothers me when bags have water stains around the rusty staples and nowhere else.
  14. This listing (260382623521) has been removed or is no longer available.
  15. Nice pictures. They dont vary much except for the amount of red and yellow. Sometimes the red and yellow sort of blend but not usually. The green is a pretty distinctive pea-green. You might get a little black. I can't say I have seen any other size besides 11/16". If other sizes are out there, there are not many of them.
  16. I run maximum resolution. If my monitors go higher I set them higher.
  17. Yes it would be a magnifying glass, but on second thought that's a stupid idea. Very sorry I suggested it. If the spot is too focused it could cause localized heating with disasterous results. I have a very bright cool light used on a microscope but I don't expect you to have one. You could try holding yours up to direct sunlight at least, and you should see a little bit into it.
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