Sat. April 11, '09
Hello again,
I really thought I'd provided an addendum to this wonderful thread of Ravenswood photographs by Alan but it doesn't seem to be here. I'll
try again cause I do have some comments.
From coarsing through and sorting and resorting Ravenswood marbles from the 50 lb. boxes out of the 1987 find I find most all of the images
provided above authentic Ravenswood marbles. I have been humbled though over time in discovering that some of my judgements have
been too circumscribed by an over reliance on this find alone. My sights have become broadened since this early immersion. There's
Ravenswood marbles out there that don't look anything like what I've come to accept.
That aside, I have to say that the photo(s) of the few flame-like Ravenswoods depicted unfortunately or fortunately are actually Alley Agate.
I've a made-up boxed set of 30 AA flames that I'm constantly upgrading.
I believe the "cafe-au-lait" lighter brown Ravenswood shown are in fact a purposeful separate variety. I also find them worthy. I have seen
enough of them in the 50 lb. boxes to deduce this. Actually, I've been over time to put together sets of approximately 13 different brown\
varieties, granted some of which were practically one or two or three of a kind. Anyway, over time I was able to only make up about 5
such sets. I consider them premiere Ravenswood marbles!
The cobalt blue one shown I do not believe is rare. I've enough of them to I think disprove this conclusion. Actually two varieties of cobalt
blue ones: Dramatically Cobalt blue and largely clear w/cobalt blue stringy strands.
I have found only one variety with what coulod be called oxblood and it is in a common translucent Ravenwood swirl but I have only found a
very few to have the oxblood in them. It is mainly subsurface and consists of very thin and light hairlike strands. You have to look hard but
the only conclusion is that it is oxblood. They're exceedingly rare.
I think I know the chap that Alan was buying from. He was famous for his box collection which unfortunately due to illness in the family
he put up for sale last year. Nice guy. He and his wife would attend Amana and I met him first at Columbus. Can't think of his name
right now.
O.K. I do provide a set of 33 different Ravenswood marbles from this 1987 find in WV. They are the real McCoy and include practically
all the varieties shown here as well as those shown in Castle & Peterson. I sold Larfry & Marlow a 50 lb. box at an early Los Angeles Marble
Show! If interested you may make enquiries at dlc mib @ know how it goes. Or call (831) 462-1983.
I have a deep affection for Ravenswood Marbles. Marilyn Barrett who wrote "Aggies, Immies, Shooters & Swirls" (1994) carried with her
a jar of Ravenswood marbles for people to guess the number of marbles during Book Signings. I have donated something like 150 of
those marbles from the jar for the Ravenswood Cemetary Marble Monument. It was an honor to have Marilyn's book dedicated to me.
Hope this has fleshed out the article/photos above and added some depth to it. David Chamberlain