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Everything posted by popculturizm

  1. here are some of mine, including a larger Hybrid and a questions what are the green ones called again thanks in advance Robert
  2. I have to admit, I'm confused again, although the Monday night game should be good after that win last week Farve is once again the man - here is another Diaper Fold...
  3. ok let's see if I have this right - a "Popeye" is a corksrew - with atleast 2 primary colors and clear glass (so technically 3 types of glass) a hybrid would be one with more than the 3 - value is obviously dictated from the complexity and blending of colors - were all popeyes mfg'd by akro?
  4. this marble has very clear and sharp "crimp" or "scissor" marks they seem to be flatter than any of the other "hand mades" I have. making the marble a little flat sided (on both ends) it is in pretty much unplayed condition and is a MIB - would the "flatness" detract from it's overall value?
  5. I saw some 1 7/8" to 2" cat's eyes at my local flea market the other day 2 color veins in a greenish glass the seller was asking 2 bucks each 9he is a regular and will have them this weekend) do they sound familiar to anyone and is that a fair price (I know it's inexpensive, but was going to buy a 5 or 6) thanks for your advice in advance
  6. ok yet again another stupid question, what defines a "Popeye" as being a "Popeye" they look "cork screw" "swirls" to me? is there a definition thanks in advance
  7. I think the main point is that some guy on eBay is passing off "newer" sulphides as rare old ones, which is theft by deception as well as grand theft larceny (at 6100.00) along with some kind of wire/mail fraud. I just wish eBay gave a damn as much as we do.
  8. Ok another stupid question, cat's eyes have veins, these are the individual color strands, making a "banana" a single veined cat and a 8 veined an eight strand, right? then can a cat have veins in all the same and or all different colors. (i know not well worded - but recently got interested in "banana's" and anomaly cat's(one with bubbles or offset centers) thanks [email protected]
  9. I have a 20 count bag of Cat's eye (and some clears) with that header card
  10. yeah maybe naive but 6100.00 put's them into the really rich & stupid range "spending their inheritance one marble at a time"
  11. wow this is an amazing story - (glad I don't collect sulfides) but 6100.00 for a marble, isn't that theft by deception and/or grand theft larceny or something, to bad eBay no longer regulates itself on these matters.
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