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Everything posted by popculturizm

  1. I agree 1865 is too early for most of those marbles' "Caveat emptor"
  2. COKE BOTTLE?? Earl R. Dean Designed the Coca-cola in 1915 for the "Coca-Cola" Company
  3. I got a headache again...thought this thread was going of to JaboLand or something like that.
  4. I stand by my original statement...turn on the machine and turn out as many limited run Jabo's as you like, like a xerox machine, you can do it into the millions, no problem with that I don't collect "Contemporary" budget marbles, But my concern is that you see Jabo's sold as vintage all the time - in Antique Malls, Flea markets, or shows, and it's always the same the seller won't fess up to that they are new, being sold as old. now there's a problem.....
  5. I agree comparing an 80 year old marble to one made last week (in a limited run...sure) is simply absurd. Like comparing the "Mona Lisa" to a xerox print of it. oops time for another "Limited run" "Caveat emptor"
  6. and I should be happy because? those Jabo's will be sold as vintage, by deceptive dealers at local shows and fleamarkets across the country (as they always seem to be) "Caveat emptor"
  7. They took the item down and relisted it with additional names of makers in title - I agree HHMMMM? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150385699893
  8. I'm with John - spitting on them works for me...
  9. Can anyone post some buttermilks? thanks in advance
  10. another minor grouping (at least I think they all are Vitro) one Buttermilk too?
  11. as a relatively renewed "newbie" I appreciate your rant, but as we have all found on eBay - morals sometimes go out the door with $$$ even 2 - 3 bux. rant on!!
  12. I grabbed these images out of an old Block's catalog On Blue with yellow (went for 340.00 in 2007) and on Green with yellow (went for 340.00) (they also had one on yellow with red base) good luck hunting
  13. now that's an answer thank you Alan for your experience and insight
  14. So are "inclusions" more prevalent with "Handmade" or "Machine made" or is that a moot point and simply caused as by-product of the marble making process regardless of how or when the marble is produced, thanks again for the answer
  15. soooo...that's 2 votes for "we don't know" but seriously - it's easy enough to throw a MIB up and ask someone else to figure it out for you, but since I am a collector, "who likes to understand the why things are the way they are with a piece of glass" - my question stands unanswered
  16. I keep finding Mib's with little black flakes/spots - some appear on the surface, while others are embedded - I assume that this is cause in firing of the glass and possibly ash getting into the molten glass 9if that is at all possible) anyone have a more concrete idea of what might cause this - The posted image has the best contrast (being clear/white) and an embedded spot. thanks in advance Robert
  17. South American, probably "some" of it is phony $$$ - but the gold plate Machine Gun
  18. that's a weird refund message the seller added.....
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