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Everything posted by popculturizm

  1. well I originally started the thread to see if there were any other known vintage type "oxblood" marbles other than the MFC - Akro (and earlier German types) by this I mean, did Peltier purposefully make an Oxblood marble, and like wise did Vitro Agate or even Champion, at one point really good "Oxblood's" brought a premium price, today the term has gotten so diluted, just like using "Akro" to steer someone to an auction on FleaBay, But if what I have read is correct - "true Oxblood's" ended with Akro, some Mid century companies manufactured "Oxblood's" by chance or mistake, and some Modern Companies are artfully attempting to created "true Oxblood's" again, and I think that is what I was trying to ascertain from starting this thread in the first place. thank you again for all your input
  2. I think there is little confusion here - same item, winning bidder has a 66% bidding record with this seller which would most likely make him a shill bidder, so....fake bidder won fake marble...Hazzah!
  3. I was once asked if these had been polished down since they are so small, the answer is still no...Akro's or Pelts?
  4. Now I'm trying to think of a good name for Akro's and MFC's oxblood. Any suggestions? I'm toying with something like Think it could catch on? Prince might mind though
  5. see...I knew this would be a lively topic, and I think that the idea of passing information thru history is right on, the definitions of "what is what" do get deluded over time, and there needs to be some historical accuracy maintained regardless, maybe a footnote, "after Akro formula", I see Jabo trying to created (not recreate) an Oxblood red formula, sometimes quite well. and the periods between them and the last Akro Oxblood being produced as possible "lucky" mistakes. I always thought these were "champion" and have that close to "Oxblood" look, and could easily be found on a site or auction as "Oxbloods" but I still think they are not.......
  6. I think my confusion comes from eBay titles like "Alley Oxbloods", "Peltier Oxbloods" and I have seen "Vitro Oxbloods" listed - I have a few Alleys that have that red brown, but not near the color of an Akro, does anyone know if anyone else "took" the MFC formula?
  7. Banning of High Times? one of the best sources for counter-culture art work and comics from the 1970's (censorship) to add insult to injury - I just had a "Reed Waller" creator of "Omaha Cat Dancer" (a risque cartoon) Record pulled off, for violation, of course there was no nudity or graphic image, they simply pulled because it had his name on it and for no other reason, they saw his name and assumed there was something evil - ooooo... nudity in cartoons... and all it was was a Jazz record. now that is censorship. eBay is a Joke, the only thing worse is PayPal!
  8. I'm sure that this question has been asked before, and I know that Akro Agates is probably the most famous manufacturer of Oxblood Marbles, and then M.F.Christensen, but what other manufacturer's of vintage marbles actually used "oxblood glass", I keep seeing (and finding) marbles listed as "Oxblood" which appear to be close in color but not actually the "deep" reddish/brown/purple-ish oxblood color - thanks in advance .. photo of some of the Akro Oxblood's we have..
  9. Really beauty rich Blue - anyone have an idea of maker? about 3/4" dia.
  10. Interesting looks more legit than the last one, but? I find it odd that he would measure in inches (and metrics) first time I have ever seen that from the UK (they don't measure in inches there) pretty strange. IMHO
  11. Hi - I am on as "Robert Bruce" (along with 100 other Robert Bruce's, I am friends with "Brian Kirk" he has a Marble thing on there
  12. I've gotten a couple of lots from skoro - always like them, most have been dug and he's upfront about them, so I would give him thumbs up regardless, he didn't seem the type to over hype or mis-lead IMHO
  13. 473 miles wish I could go, 7+ hours one way a bit too far.
  14. "There's a Sucker Born Every Minute" P.T.Barnum
  15. if you can right click on picture, list will pop up, hit "save image as" right click again - name it i.e. village and put in a folder (remember which folder) and your done, if that fails send email address to [email protected] and I will send you picture 9already have it saved) tested to see if you could capture it sometimes you can't. but this one you can..Best regards Pop.
  16. Colts will win, Saints will not be able to hold back the pass rush (their Achilles heal) from the ends and will incur at least 3 sacks, multiples rushes and 2 int's, close in the 1st half (17-14 colts) but in the 2nd half Colts experience will shine thru final score 35-21 colts IMHO
  17. there are some alternatives - www.ecrater.com www.etsy.com are two I can think of off the top of my head (although I haven't had any sales) I also sell on eBay (but have never sold a marble..yet?) and have 8000+ feedback, and I get the feeling it's almost over, did one toy show last week (didn't sell any marbles, cause no one collects them except me in NJ ) and had 1990's sales, so it might be time to go back on the show circuit. IMHO
  18. Hi and yes physical (have a super computer so no space issues) the middle photo is that customized for marbles (gray insert) if so where did you find it? thanks again
  19. Hi I have hit the 2000+ mark and have run out of storage/display space, anyone have suggestions, and or could you post some pics of displays thanks in advance Pop.
  20. Hi picked up this little Gray Flint (1/2")-. has same opalescent glow as the other Akro Flints I have any idea if these are common or uncommon - only one I have seen - thanks in advance Pop.
  21. hi please take another look at second image thank you
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