I don't think this makes it as a Calligraphy, just not enough pattern. I would say it is a cool swirl being large and two colors besides white. Not super common but not super HTF either.
Thanks to both of you, and Dani I do believe there a 1 or 2 in there from you. Maybe just one because I had an accident with the other and it found it's way to Ohio.
So about 8 months ago I found 3 Easter Eggs in the wild and have since been on a quest to fill a 25 count case. Well all but four came from the wild and I have finally done it!
Agreed, those were great examples! Some of the best I have seen. Here is a little Alley I picked up at the Seattle show a couple months ago. I would also like to hear what is the standard definition of a Calligraphy marble.
I think the auctions ended. He just had not listed any new ones. He still has listings on his other page, but only buy it nows and nothing new since the 15th.
Let me know if the link doesn"t work for you. And here it is again so others don't have to search....not that I think you guys are lazy......lol.....