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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Those are Alley and not super easy ones to find especially with that yellow on the second.
  2. looks like lots of yellow in that one...nice.
  3. Sure Galen....rub it in! How did I miss those two? I do have to say they are fantastic in hand, just wish they were still in mine. lol
  4. Yeah, I guess you got me there, you were on a quest for sure. Guess we were both just a little pre-occupied with all the eyecandy.
  5. LOL! Sorry Ann. Steve....likewise, never realized that was your avatar and screen name. lol Rich, I think you got it backwards....I would have had to read your mind to know you wanted a look. lol Anyway here are a few fun ones, I had a pretty good time if ya can't tell.
  6. Thanks guys, I might post a few more in this thread over the next couple days. Al....missed ya at the show. That Ravens is even better in hand.....um that might be just because it is in my hand. lol Rich, man you should have said something I had a couple cases full and would have been happy to show ya.
  7. It was a great 4 days and a fun show but I will leave that for another day. Here are 4 of my favorites. First an oxblood gound single pontil An Akro with Aventurine A Ravenswood unlike I have ever seen! This marble can only be described as SIC! And last but not least my first and long searched for Champion Furnace!
  8. I use several different types of containers for storage. For display I have heard of people useing the plastic grids from flourecent lights....easily cut to size. I use glass flower frogs, rolling pins, rubber O-rings and in an old gun cabinet I fashioned som shelving from plexi and then drilled holes for the marbles to set in. In that I can display between 50 and 150 per shelf. As the collection grows I keep finding new ways to store and display. Some day I will find a nice map makers cabinet to fill up. A nice curio cabinet might sway the wifes feelings. Looking at my pics I remembered I also have a clear 4 drawer plexi jewelery box that works well.
  9. The first time.....if it is your first can be somewhat overwhelming. Not so much getting ready but when you walk into the first room and feel like you could empty your bank account in the first 5' of table space. Bring good lights...pen lights are nice, loupe, blacklight, money, calipers, mo money....don't forget your clothes oh and did I say money? lol I went to the bank twice during my first show, my limit somehow grew.
  10. I would agree there, an example I would not mind owning.
  11. Sounds about right to me as well. I can't remember for sure the year but it was early to mid 90's that I bought the bag in a toystore, I have now. It has no date on the cardboard portion.
  12. Got me a new slag today and since this type has yet to be posted..... here is a melted pontil likely Navarre. 5/8
  13. That is a very interesting point that is a tough one to discuss when it is brought up. I wish there were some kind of documentation. I mean there had to have been quite a bit of work to be done and not something just done in a shift change. I would think they did not flip back and forth. I can imagine that without first hand knowledge we may never have a solid answer.
  14. Always good to have a little back and forth convo about these subjects..tis how we get the answers and drive to figure them out. =}
  15. The 2nd and 7th could be and likely are and the 5th is a Vitro horse shoe style caged cateye. The rest I cant see well enough but look like possible swirls.
  16. I am not speaking of the Cardinals, but I really can't say how long they were made. Just that I have never seen a box of Carnelian corkscrews.
  17. Looks like Dani posted as I was fumbling with keys. lol
  18. It is oxblood. I realize it is not the standard Carnelian. From what I am told Akro produce boxed sets of what they called Carnelians before the corkscrew was introduced. While some may call many marbles Carnelian....that was not what Akro called them.
  19. After discussing these with a friend whom is quite a bit more knowledgable than I....I think neither of these are infact Carnelians. While not all Carnelians glow, these would be simply a two color translucent cork. For reference here is a Carnelian I have. It is a non glower.
  20. I am also of the belief not all carnelian glow. They do seem pretty alike.
  21. No worries appearently my link failed anyhow. lol
  22. Here ya go...http://cgi.ebay.com/Marbles-3-Marble-King-Blue-Aventurine-Cats-9-16-MINT-/300484793652?pt=Marbles&hash=item45f64a1534
  23. Steph, new enough to remember, I don't remember anywhere my address is open to the public.
  24. LOL! Someone got us all....mine came yesterday and I know I never signed up for anything. Nice pics tho.
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