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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. It is a difficult one for sure. It looks like a screwed up Champion Jr with both seams on one side as you see both in the largest image. With the semi trans base the red kind of bleeds threw when lit. It does not look at all at home with the Champs and looks closer to the tweeners or angel family.
  2. So guys.....caught ya sleepin. Maybe twice but I won't know for sure until tomorrows mail. =} Anyway, I like to browse the bay now and angain and look for hidden stuff. Came across this lot of 30 red/white marbles. I thought I saw something interesting in the middle. So I gambled my 7$, Here is what came mixed in with 29 champion Jr and swirls. =}
  3. Thanks all, they surely are one of if not Champions most beautiful marble.
  4. I will have to watch that one as well. Amazing marble.
  5. I got this Champion Furnace a couple years back and when I photographed it I had trouble catching all the color changes going on in it. So today I had another go. Thought I would share because it is one of the best I have ever seen, the only one I have ever owned and I am now please to be able to share it in all of it's glory. =} Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
  6. Nah, I quit chewing, I think I was caught with a mouth full of candy, didn't want to smile and have it fall out. lol
  7. Ron and Ed...both, awesome! Ed 7/8.....what a killer.
  8. Love that first glass case, in the OP. Marbles aren't to bad either.
  9. My mess......The stand up wood cabinet is a re-habbed home built gun cabinet.
  10. Yep, the first one is very nice! I love the Akro to but that first is really cool. I have no Aventurine or nice Akro pieces to share, but I did pick up one of the coolest slag pieces I have seen. Just because of the pattern.
  11. Don't get me wrong, Ann, I fully agree Alley not only experimented with aventurine but used it consistently and likely purposely in some types such as the little green spruce, there are just to many of them and they seem to be very consistent, The part I do not fully understand is the gold flake/lutz. Some say he used copper and some say it was an accidental use of a couple ingredients and just the right amount of heat. I have heard it said that all the lutz marbles went to hot and burned all the sparkle out with exception of a couple pieces here and there, but I can tell you that the one I posted is surely not burnt out. Very little in it that does not sparkle heavily as you turn the marble. However trying to photograph that is near impossible being only a few of the sparkles catch the light at the correct angle to be reflective while still. When I tell some that 85%+ is reactive and not burned out in this marble they do not believe me.
  12. That is not a pretty picture you paint, Galen. Two bald grown men whining in a hotel room. lol
  13. Thanks Chuck, yes I did. Only the very lightest shade of green glows. I would agree it looks to be in the family.
  14. Yes sir. However the green one with more brown has some Champion traits, a bit waded up and wider ribbons. However the glass does not give me the champion feel nor does the color. I am not fully decided on that one yet.
  15. Oh, you recognize those do ya? lol I owe ya one. Hate to think of you having to show up in Canton with no swirls. They have a good home. =}
  16. I think both Alley and Ravenswood have some of the most beautiful brown colored marbles to be found. There seems to be so many shades between dark brown and crème yellow used in one marble that is just sets them off. I was previously not so moved by brown but am a convert now. They can be some of my most favorite. The blue in the one and green in the other helps to set off the browns as well, I think.
  17. Very nice looking marble, I think Steph is on the right track.
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