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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Awesome, I'll do some reading when I get home, thanks Winnie.
  2. Looks like a good time. One of these days I will have to travel a little further than Seattle or Vegas for a show.
  3. The group of swirls and Euro sparkler type I got today. Thanks Dani & Ernie! The Wirepulls I found on the Bay. =} I am rather enjoying the hunt for these, just not many out there.
  4. Yes, Steph most I know in that group don't own, want to or have use for a computer, as far as they are concerned. =} That pic is even to bad for me to chance things, and that could be saying something! I have hit the button and went back to look what I won and could not remember what I thought it was. lol
  5. She won't mind I am sure. Stellar marble! I must have missed that one the last time I raided their jars. lol
  6. What a great bunch of Euro's everyone! Now that I have a few of my own I want more! I really like the flame mibstified and the blue and yellows and blue and oranges are some I must add to my collection. Thanks for posting these up. I should have added mine here instead of starting a new thread. Oh well. =}
  7. Yes Winnie, all found here in the US. Thanks again for the ID help. It will make things much easier now that I have these to study. There are parts of their make up that stand out to me now. I bet you are correct about there being some in many collections. Likely put with others that it looked possible yet like me were never committed to the ID for one reason or another. I had never even gave Euro a thought, I will from now on.
  8. I know, right. They all seem to be very at home together.
  9. Thank you Winnie for the help on sorting out some of my ID issues. So after digging out a couple that I had always had trouble with the ID's here are my 5 all in one place.
  10. I saw your post on the image. I have went back and forth for three years trying to figure out what it is. Just last week I was told it was surely not a wild Ravens wood but in fact was Alley. I am not 100% on that though. However so far I have not seen any Euro swirls with the transparent green base that it has. I think I just posted it here in the ID section not long ago.
  11. I look forward to seeing it Ann. Yes post them if you got them!
  12. Sorry to have let you down. lol Maybe I was a little amped up about even finding one. They sure don't come up on this side of the pond very often. I love it.
  13. Well this one is certainly brighter than my other one and fits well with Winnies latest thread, bright Euro swirls. Although the pattern is not nearly as busy. Still...love it. Look out Winnie....I have two now! lol
  14. Very nice indeed, Winnie. Thanks for sharing!
  15. Nice. Love to see old images of home.
  16. Very nice find. If there was nothing special left....makes me wonder what was there before.
  17. Love that first one Winnie. Galen I agree. The U shaped bend in the bottom right image of the last Cosmic posted does not say Horseshoe to me.
  18. Folded or bent, yes. I see a cage style in the pics above but I don't nor have I yet seen a true horseshoe Cosmic. Whether or not they exist I can't say, never heard of one.
  19. Looks like a big Gekko eye, Galen. Very cool marble.
  20. Nice, Winnie. Marboman....great bunch of Vits.
  21. A few of mine. The purple and green one I believe is a fairly rare combo.
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