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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Of course you agree with Winnie's first part, Rich. It is a quote from your post above. lol Read her second part which is not a quote. I agree, Ron.
  2. It seems Rich you are failing to understand what a CAC or an Alley marble is. These are not the name given because of the glass used but the company that produced it. If Vitro used some glass from CAC, it would be a Vitro marble not a CAC. You used Cullet, but you are the maker. They are Rich's remelts. Plain and simple.
  3. Rich, I don't see any guessing or stirring the pot, I too would hate to see them get loose if not signed only because some unscrupulous soul would try and pass them off as Alley. I doubt with descent pics most would be fooled but I am sure there would be a few un happy people.
  4. We call them Jabo. The glass used I think is of little concern, they were not made by Alley....they are not Alley. A Rich's marble made from Alley glass.
  5. Thanks, Ric. Tis a friends lampwork that he just sent me along with a few others. Here is another of his that might fit the Halloween theme.Although not quite as spooky. That one you like is my favorite, with the fine detail.
  6. Geesh guys, all beautiful boxes! Mine pale in comparison, having only two boxes.
  7. Great collection, Edna. William, that last one is a killer! I love it.
  8. Morning all! I love both Handmade and Machine, but prefer to collect machine made. =} And now I see I posted here twice. lol
  9. I have both types of brown base and the Chocolate cow. There is certainly a difined difference between the true chocolate base. I know the Chocolate cow can range from chocolate color to a more salmon color but either way the base is closer to the Muddy although I don't think the same. Until you study one of these chocolate base marbles up close and personel it may be difficult to get the full feel for it. It is really rich and creamy for the lack of better words. It makes you want to put it in your mouth. lol
  10. Fantastic right there, Bill. Chuck, thank you. No fear of that. I doubt one could pry it from my cold dead hands. lol Kind of reminds me of the tootsie roll colors wrapper and all. Tis what I call it to myself, Tootsie Roll. =} Although, if not mistaken, that name is already used for a different marble.
  11. A couple of fun ones. Blue Wasp, Chocolate Cow and a slightly dinged up Rainbo with a chocolate base.
  12. I agree with you there, William. I think many Vitro and maybe Vitro in general are somewhat under rated.
  13. Thanks Winnie, and yes mine is a swirl of translucent matrix. Nice one there!
  14. Couple more. The first is a favorite. The second image, the group shot is some Anacortes Vitro I recently added. They are from Tim Sullivans collection {except the big green cork in the back}. The big blue one is 1 3/16. The Horseshoe cat is in pink glass and the other small blue one is an Azure.
  15. Thanks guys, I am enjoying the study of the glass and color in these. Hopefully it will help me ID some as I find them. Winnie, you might be right about easier to find here although I am not sure if I have just been lucky lately or not. Either way I am finding nothing with different color. That fact is driving me to pay close attention where ever I go for marbles. I have found different patterns, and some that look like they would be a different company because they are so different, yet the colors are shades of the same two....red-ish purple and green. After I took these photos I was looking thru one of my WV swirl boxes and found another. lol Same colors and yet again another different style swirl.
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