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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. The pre show crab feast was pretty fantastic as well. Thanks again Dani & Ernie. =} There was a third guy on that floor but he couldn't take it any longer and decided to get up and snap a photo. lol P.S. Guy with the camera there in the first shot needs a little dulling wax on the dome!
  2. *waves back* After spending the weekend with Ernie, Dani, Galen and many more.....I figured I had better stop in and say hi. =}
  3. Hi guys, been a while. I'll pop in a little more now and again. Hope you are all doing fantastic! Being a photographer myself I thought I would jump in here and agree. It is a shame how things are "progressing". For now my photography is more hobby than for a living, while I do sell prints now and again. When I retire from my regular work, the plan is to subsidize the income with photography. Likely real estate photography. I will face the decline of business due to the digital era. Everyone with a cell phone or digital camera now claims to be a photographer. Many real estate agents take their own photos rather than use a professional these days. They forget there is an art to doing these things well and if you look at the product they put out...against a pro...it shows. While I love the technology for ease of information purposes and such, I fear.... Face to face interaction and having something tangible to read or look at is not only going south quality wise but I am afraid is becoming a thing of the past to a disturbing degree.I personally enjoy having a paper to hold and read with my coffee more than turning on the pooter. Should you be curious about my images....you can find them at http://pheupel-photography.smugmug.com/ shameless plug. =} Marble on!
  4. Yep, they got me good. Time for an alarm. Lesson learned....locking doors and windows is not enough when they can throw a 40lb brick threw the window. I just hope they come back while I am home. Thanks for the well wishes guys. :}
  5. Thanks guys, it was a good day! Finally got some descent weather around here even!
  6. Dang D....nice bunch. Have a great show. Jenny.....nice to see you here ol'friend!!
  7. Prayers and best wishes to all Bo's friends and family. I wish I had got the chance to meet Bo.
  8. I have to agree with Griff here. I have one of these cloths and do not use it, after trying it on a very poor CAC. I made it smooth alright and lessend its size by 1/32. Granted that took a while but I was testing to see how abrasive they are.
  9. Everyone is posting some nice marbles here! Here is another Blue for ya Windy....3/4
  10. Thank you, not bad, just real busy.....which is a good thing I guess. I doubt I make it to the show but stranger things have happened! Hope all is well with you!
  11. Some of them are indestinguishable, really have to go by a marble to marble basis and even then there are some that could have been made by either.
  12. Few fun ones Deepest/richest Chocolate I have found Blue Wasp Mcs with a lot of Pelt ox
  13. Have to agree, Lloyd that is a fantastic box!!
  14. Very nice Chuck! Some real killers in there!
  15. I think both of them are of the same Kin. Either that or I am missing something right along with you. lol
  16. Good job guys, I do toys for tots runs on the bike and have done runs with the jeeps as well, it is a worthy organization for sure!
  17. Nice marble, but I think your buddy wants it back from the look on his face! Nice shot.
  18. I use two Reveal daylight corrected 100w bulbs about 10-12 inches from the marble, positioned at 10 and 2. All other lights in the room turned off as not to contaminate color. They are cheap @less than 5$ each and I use the cheap 7$ aluminum hood and socket set-up sold in most hardware stores. There are other ways to get good shots but this is the least expensive and most consistent formula I have found. I set the marbles on a black folded T-shirt. I have seen others get good results with the camera flash, however my small camera could not. Infact without the lights I could not get it to focus as mentioned by others above. Good luck Wendy
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