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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Nice job, Rich. How many did you stack in the one?
  2. Nope, sure isn't Steph. Just threw'em on a black T shirt on the desk with a couple lights.
  3. When you look for whatever might display your collection well and end up coming home with a surplus..... I saw a flower frog at a customers home and mentioned that I keep marbles on a couple....she opened a closet door, dragged a box out and said....."good, you can take this box home with you"
  4. Yes Scott, I had never seen them in white before. Thought it made for an interesting image.
  5. Thanks, Bob. Hope we see some more eye candy and I did not kill the thread. =}
  6. Thanks Steph and Bob. I agree the patterns of nature can teach us much, they are also just fun to shoot and look at.
  7. Thanks guys, I am well pleased with it. hard to believe a small paper box would look this good even if packed away for all these years. The slags are quite nice. Glad you didn't bid, Punter.....it would have just raised my price as I was pretty well set that I was winning this box. =}
  8. And if B&W is not your thing, another semi recent fog image.
  9. I am quite excited as this is only my second Akro box, the first being Checker game marbles. The box is in great shape and the marbles mint. Love it!
  10. LOL I think I did when opening the mail.
  11. So...a week ago I saw a bad pic on the bay and there was only one, no description and no call on maker. I though.....hmmm that looks like a Chocolate Cow.....Kinda...At $3.99 I had to bid and hope there were no snipers waiting, Nope, I won....only bidder. A hair over 5/8
  12. I remember, Ann. It was a very pretty purple one if memory serves. Thank you.
  13. Nice Masters! Not a huge Master guy but I do like the bright ones.
  14. You guys were talking Masters in another thread.....check this one out from the group above.. Has to be one of the brightest of this type I have seen.
  15. Have not been to luck in the wild lately. Today I hope to have broke the dry streak. Nothing to spectacular but a nice little group. Found them on the way to grab a coffee, in a shop I visit on occasion.
  16. Nice bunch! I have that large alley as well and the av seems to be just a little deeper and is difficult to photograph. Strong sun worked the best for me and still was not that great in a pic. Shines great in hand though. =}
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