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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. The issues with zoom digital or otherwise is why I suggested good light. I use macro with digital zoom and get nice detail and have 0 problem with focus. However it was nearly impossible with poor light. If you back up to much and don't use your zoom to it's capability you risk losing the ability to get a detailed shot with the large cropping. Here are a couple with my little coolpix pocket camera.
  2. No worries Wendy. Once you get a few shots that you like...post them and we can sometimes better offer suggestions. As for background, even tho I crop mine out, I find it best to shoot against black. Others like a medium grey. Use something that absorbs the light and is not reflective. Hopefully these tips will shorten the learning curve for you as great marble pics can really be difficult for some. Good luck!
  3. Looks like someone may have begun to polish it. That would also account for the flamelike look.
  4. Quite the haul ya got there! Hope to see some good ones come out in the suds.
  5. To add to what others have said.....light!! Good light will make it easier for your camera to focus. If you are inside and not using the sun, I use daylight corrected light bulbs. Either way those, regular bulbs or sun....don't forget to set the appropriate white balance for the type of light...it will make a difference with your colors.
  6. Chuck...I got a new camera too......send them over right away and I will see how my lighting is. Nice marbles Chuck!
  7. Thanks guys for the comments on the photo. Steph, I have to check my yard on occasion as well.
  8. The stories that he writes are usually a fun read. The one he did some months back was much better than this and was a subject of conversation here.
  9. Hope you all have a great Holiday season. May you all find some killer marbles in your stalkings.
  10. I am right there in the confused corner with you Steph. Not sure what the actual question is. Lots of marble makers can have a fiery glow and more swirls than just a CAC as the Alley Opal Lady does as well. As for non swirl types I think it would be easier to name those that never made Opalesent marbles.
  11. If the Pontils have been smoothed out I would think polished.
  12. Yes, they are indeed handmade. They seem fairly cheaply done tho. I do like the boards tho. =}
  13. I too have seen a few of these sets in some of my customers homes. They usually are under the impression that they are Italian handmades and have paid double the price listed here.
  14. Very cool Winnie, can't say I have seen one either.
  15. I am thinking it's an Alley Opal Lady, of the Blush line. When backlit it is full of fire.
  16. I think Galen is on to something there. I thought that possible as well.
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