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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Some of my favorites and this one fits right in.
  2. Another Killer. Really liking these patterns.
  3. Since in my other thread, Chuck mentioned he liked both of my new Pelts yet there was only one in the thread I figured I would throw the other one up. The blue being a dark Colbalt and the red being more redish orange with brown in it. This is a little guy at just over 9/16. It does have a little Aventurine Almost looks like a cross between Rebel and Liberty.
  4. Exactly! lol My thought is this....a Liberty is Red White and Blue. Makes sense. A red, White, Blue and a orange would fit a Liberty Citrus. Take the red out of either of these marbles and there is no Liberty. In the collages above the Citrus Liberties all have a little of the rusty brownish redish color....I can see the call though it seems a stretch if that color is not red but brownish orange. Not saying this is how it is, but to me would make sense.
  5. Yes, it is not the purple I see in the collage above it seems lighter. However it is to my eyes purple and a long way from the blue in those same collage's above. I guess saying red was wrong I was referring to the rusty brownish in those above that mine lacks. Sammy, don't take this as me being difficult, just trying to get a handle on what makes what what and why. =}
  6. Thank you Steph. I do see the connection with these, although I kinda feel like mine might fall short with no red or reddish color. The near electric orange is there and mine has a slight bit of pink but no red and my purple seems to be somewhere between the plues and the purple of the plum....
  7. Thanks everyone for the thoughts. Sammy, I take your point on the Blueberry and needing yellow. I should have called it plum {Plumsicle} lol anyway as it is more purple than blue. So I see the name did not make as much sense as I thought. Flying by the seat of my pants being not real up on all of the names. However to both you and Steph I pose this question. What about this marble says Liberty? I assume a name should help explain the marble, there is no red and no true blue so why liberty? I would love to see other marbles that bare the name Liberty citrus.
  8. Came across this Peltier and thought I would share. After doing a bit of research trying to nail down just what it was and how close to what I thought it was, I found that it does not seem to be one than many have seen. I believe it to be in the Citrus family due to the colors but a variant as it is not the standard configuration. Any thoughts are welcome. I know name can be unpopular with some but I like them as they help define an individual marble within a family. For me it helps to explain just with marble I speak of when in conversation over said marble. This one reminds me of a Creamsicle and has the blueberry color as well, so I am calling it my.... Blueberry Creamsicle. So you can see the colors better
  9. I feel for all you guys in the cold. We had an odd cold snap come threw a few weeks back but still it was at least in the teens. Pretty cold for here. Since then it has been in the mid 40's. I work outside year round, those couple weeks we had were no fun. Pretty sure no one is working outside in much of the country this week. Stay safe everyone. =}
  10. Back at ya, Bob. Happy holidays to you and yours.
  11. Last week I was surfing around to see what was out there besides ebay. All but the slag and 2 swirls are in mint range. One of those two swirls has a nasty fracture. These are all 3/4 + and the red white and blue onionskin is covered in sprinkles of Mica!Merry Christmas everyone!
  12. You would think, huh. Although the lemonade & ox is a bit rare and commands a premium price. It is right up there or better than the embossed pieces. I have only seen a couple and the run a bit over $500 to near $6. Maybe I will get real lucky and find one in the wild. lol As for the few I have collected, they were not free but no where near that. I have been finding some very fair deals. Like everything right now...a little more affordable than a few years ago. I do think these will rebound as much as anything. Either way, I love them and will be holding onto them. =} Yes, the friends and family surely think I have lost it at times, I will make sure that they know you said it was all good!
  13. Bob, I have looked at that and have so far not found a marble that fits the bill. I can get light thru them, however the base seems to have a creme tan-ish tone, I would love to find some that matched up and would immediately display them that way. I would love to find the lemonade oxblood tray....or I should say one I could afford. lol
  14. Thank you, you are right about which two are new. Loving Akro marbles it was an easy progression into these trays. That new one is really cool with a blend of Oxblood and blue. I love it and look forward to finding new combos and yes, I do love an exciting pattern.
  15. That's a cool piece Winnie. It has a nice design and embossed too. =}
  16. Well I have posted a couple of these before and it is still a small collection but I have added a couple recently. I had tried to limit my collection to marbles but these trays have got under my skin.
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