Bob, if you look closely you will see rather than red and black it is red and blue. It is very dark being on a dark base but think of the Blue Zebra and Blue bee.
I was thinking the same thing, Galen. So many self proclaimed "experts" out there. It is funny how the few that would generally be excepted as about as close as you can get, won't have anything to do with the title "proffesional/expert". They know better. lol
LOL Nice pick up. No worries Galen, I only get ruffled when I don't have one or two myself. =} Know some of the ones these will join....that might be another story. Oh bout them Hawks! =}
I get ya there Galen, the first one surprised me as it is darker than any of the blushline that I was familiar with. It is included I believe because of the purple color along with being an opal base.
Also, my Snotties have a much more clear base. Crystal clear. This marble has a hint of cloudiness in comparison.
Having made my claims, I do see what you guys are saying and I have been wrong once before. lol Oh maybe that was right once. lol
I have been looking, there is so much ribbon and places that it mashes into itself looking as if it mixes that I can't say with confidence that it is or is not. I will look some more. The marble in question here is the same marble as the Kurly Blush in Bill's Blush line pic. I had him look at it to be sure before I posted.
I have some Snotties as well and yes they have some similarities. However the one in question...the ribbon is wirepull like in that it is one constant ribbon. Of the 5 snotties I have none seem to be one constant ribbon and have much more coverage. All are also near 5/8. not that it makes a difference but this marble is 1/2.
Now now Galen, don't go trying to steal our cool Alley for the CAC guys. lol I do seem some similarities which is not a surprise. If these were not a known dug Alley and something never seen before one might have to question it. Although I don't see any above that are really that close.
I am loving these two new Alley Blush line marbles, figured I would share. No name for the first one but she is a beauty with a little extra color in the surface ribbon, a clear opal base with ghost like purple running threw it. 5/8.
And the second being a Kurly Blush. A little darker and more purple than the Lady and also no opal just clear base. a strong 1/2 inch. Props to Dani (Zaboo} for offering such great marbles!
Grrrr, as little of these marbles as there is on the west coast and you have to take them back to Ohio! Now if you just lived a little closer and I saw you a little more often I could do the puppy dog cry again and bring them home. lol
I agree, there is value there as the sparklers and swirls are becoming more sought after even here in the US. I am one whom searches for them. There are a few different styles of the Swirls other than the wire pulls and finding what I think are the good ones is rather difficult. I see a few in that lot that I would like to add to my collection. I will post three swirls each a different type and some of the best that I have found. A couple similar to some in that group. The second is a near 1 inch shooter and the only one like it i have seen.
Gnome, this marble is the brightest of all of my Contemps. The pic is spot on for colors.
Bob, I think you have a point there, going to see what i can do. Might need to win a couple good scratch tickets. lol