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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Thanks Winnie, and let me add....those are some more fantastic marbles! Great flame tips on the blue one, need to find me a flamey one!
  2. Stop thinking and....Dooo. =}
  3. I will dig it out and check, thank you.
  4. Ya know, that was always what I had digging at me, I wish I could remember who swayed me away from that. Thanks Ric.
  5. This marble, if memory serves was ID'd here some 3 yrs ago as Cairo. I just wanted to double check before I stick it in the thread. It is currently packed away so I can not measure it, but it is a shooter somewhere in the 13/16 range or a bit smaller. It is not a common example so I have trouble finding anything to match it up to and could use your assistance. Thanks.
  6. I knew I loaned that out to someone, couldn't remember to whom.....=} Didn't work did it? lol
  7. I guess it is not quite as close to yours as I remembered.
  8. Thanks, I can see why! I think I might have one similar but not nearly as nice, great examples.
  9. Thank you, Ric. I am loving that bright yellow on those two, sweet marbles. Is "sweet" still used? Well that's what they are! lol
  10. Not being as serious a collector of handmades you have me at a loss, I am not up on my terms. Maypole?
  11. They can be fun and beautiful and are certainly a ton of work. two of those are 9 inches.
  12. One of my favorites, I know there are more out there but I have not been able to match it.
  13. Galen, so sorry to hear this. You can count on some prayers and positive energy being sent your way. I thank the man for his service, and even raising a knuckle head that I call a friend. Take care.
  14. want it too! =} That is a rockin marble!
  15. jeeperman

    Any Ideas?

    I can't discount the Ravenswood possibility, still thinking on it, but that's so far as close as I can get.
  16. That is a cool one, Ann. I like the color and those little particles that Winnie mentioned.
  17. Thanks Winnie, that's a nice big shooter, one of my favorites.
  18. No kidding, one would think there would be a bubble pop or 20. lol I tried to float it, no dice.
  19. Holly bubbles! Nice. I have it's brother, Cheese. I'll go grab it.
  20. Beautiful stuff everyone. I think this thread needs a little blue & green. =}
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