hiding out in my collection. Had it displayed and apparently never took a good look at it. It has a pistachio base and glows huge. 11/16 Just had to share
Wish it was mint but I am not complaining.=} It's fun finding new finds in your own collection. lol
Yes, Steph you nailed it. The Lilacs were a much later run. The ghostly one above has always been a favorite, I have had a couple others, gave one to a friend and the other was fractured in half, neither had this much transparency.
I might as well throw this one in the mix...=} I was looking at the WV marble collectors page for some of the color and pattern, it's tough sometimes with these swirls until you have some known examples in hand, all these swirls have sat in my to be identified box. There is a few more in there.
I have a few marbles that I have my thoughts on, and yet because I have not seen them before and am second guessing myself. I want your opinion. Having been away for a couple years, darned if I don't feel a little rusty. Particularly the green transparent.
That was my first thought some 4 yrs ago and I was talked out of it, So it sat mislabeled, every time I picked it up it felt wrong, hence my questioning it before posting. I am glad that I have now dug it out and place it in it's rightful home. =}