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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. That one is a bit of an oddball, I used to hope it was a wild Alley but it is not. It differs from the solid swirls in that it has a transparent green base glass. I have posted it before and at that time everyone was still using the term Euro for everything. I can't say it is absolutely Veiligglas but I believe if memory serves, Winnie thought it possible. =}
  2. Nice wirepulls everyone, I will add a few as well.
  3. Wow! Great marbles everyone. How did I miss this thread?
  4. Poxblood....lol love it. I still like the look of it when one the MCS
  5. I don't know about better, I would say they are pretty darn close, yes the last one is NLR, I threw it in just for fun. Those two of the three I have found on a white base. I do have a couple MCS with ox that I like but we were talkin white base. =}
  6. Sorry, I had to take them out where I could see them. =}
  7. Wow, fantastic stuff from both of you! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Super nice! Love it, slags look fantastic.
  9. Very nice post Ric. Those are some great examples. Thanks for the work I know it took.
  10. Thanks for the input guys. Yes, less than a 1/16 from 1 inch.
  11. Terry, love that purple/orange snake! The 4 color popeye ain't half bad either....=}
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