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Everything posted by raynsandy

  1. 1948 side shift, thanks for the compliments.
  2. added photo to original post
  3. raynsandy

    Bike Day

    Started the up the 48 HD that has been sitting in moth balls for 5 years. Need some carb cleaning done and some lube, but I think itll glide again.
  4. This is a good read. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155497383620562&set=p.10155497383620562&type=1&theater
  5. http://www.viralnova.com/diy-infinity-table/?mb=fbko A friend of mine from Orrstown Custom Furniture is going to be making one of these. Ive been talking with him about putting dividers in the center and hinging the top so that marble collectors can show case some of their collections. Thoughts?
  6. I havent been on ebay in a very long time. Feebay has become a buyers market and isnt friendly to the sellers at all. IE, sellers cant leave a negative feedback.
  7. decorated, instead of spheres - IE marbles, they would be square.
  8. Anyone here ever hear of them or collect them? Im thinking of making some when I get the crucible up and running again ~ very soon.
  9. factor number of vanes wanted, divided by 360 degrees = angle of set up. Stand the blades of glass on end and put in a circle inside of a kiln, separating the blades of color by the angle of set up. Preheat to 1100 F, blow a ball on the end of the pipe, open the ball creating a glass rondelle with a hole up through the center - through the pipe. Heat face of rondelle and go straight down on top of preheated colored glass plates. Allow to stiffen, re heat the entire thing, gather more glass over everything, vacuum the end of the pipe pulling all air out of gather. Add more clear glass from the crucible. Pull cane and anneal. Break into small pieces and make marbles from there.
  10. or you could just ask.... heee heeee...
  11. I changed the original photo with the size reference marbles.
  12. We have a winner !.............drum roll..................Its Dennis with his guess of 2 -7/8 ! The actual measurement is 5" diameter ! The catseye he won is sitting beside it for size reference.
  13. Guess the size of the marble. The closest guess wins a cane style pee wee catseye that I make. Contest ends Sunday night before I go to sleep. So Good luck !
  14. Low fire clay, fired to 1900, then high temp ceramic glazed and fired again to cure the glaze.
  15. They are all signed by her, usually both her initials and the year they were made. All hand painted - no machines etc.... Not for sale. If you find her on facebook or other means, she will probably trade.
  16. I was good friends with marble Alan. He would not sell exotics because of the uncertainty associated with their origin. When they first came on the scene, there was A LOT of big money thrown at them. IF the word ever really got out -if- they were fake, someone surely would have lost their life. (not my money or my means btw).
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