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Everything posted by raynsandy

  1. my bad, I meant lobed, Ill try to get to the photos sometime here.
  2. I have a 2-11/16, 4 panel red/blue, 12 vane, has some hits on it. I paid some good jack for that marble.
  3. Jabos furnace is about as uneven as you can get, so Im not dissagreeing with you, but merely saying that goldstone will give you the oxblood. The furnace design that they had been using was a 1920's tech that imho, is extremely inefficient and borderline uncontrolable.
  4. joker- a reduction environment will turn the goldstone to oxblood. That is a heavier fuel to air ratio.
  5. goldstone exposed to the fire of the furance (without being encased in clear) will give you the oxblood.
  6. He is blowing smoke up peoples butts, porcelain will not work with soft glass, unless its underfired and then its very difficult to work with.
  7. that has already been done, only without the machine.
  8. ha ha ha ha ; haha ha ha ha ha
  9. need some photos okie1, and welcome aboard.
  10. size between the 2 joeys coats makes the difference in desirability. Keep in mind that ebay is an auction and doesnt always reflect true values.
  11. I use a 6 stage cabachon set up, no loose powders and no changing cups or pads etc.., from 25 grit diamond down to 15,000 depending on how far I desire to take it. Usually down to 3K makes a very nice finish. usually takes about an hour to do a marble on this machine.
  12. .....gee I thought I saw a kenworth rolling down highway 64 with smokie on his tail..... ?!?!
  13. Great find ! Im not questioning the authenticity of your marble when I say this, so dont take it that way. but there was a guy not to many years ago who was over laying beat up sulphides with transparent colors then reselling them for a lot of money.
  14. ..nah not hard at all, I know a guy that has one.
  15. Im sure if you started it on ebay at .01 and no reserve, it would at least come close to its value? just guessing...?
  16. Sorry not mine, looks like Carol Ann might be the artist, just a guess. I have made some real tiny sulphides as small as 3/8 with a sail boat. There was a set I made under 1/2 inch that included: a truck, car, boat, airplane and person.
  17. The ceramic is about the same, the real early sulphide figures used a mix of gum aribic, powdered base glass and some other crap - to much for me to mess with to be honest. With ceramics and glass, each has its own coefficient of expansion, and viscosity. Finding a good balance between both materials is very important. If one or the other is to far out of line, then the piece wont hold up. If there was to much air trapped inside against the figure, that could have been what allowed the horse to survive. Cool piece to add to any collection never the less. I had an owl from an old sulphide, not sure where it got to... hmmmm Ill have to look.
  18. I need some info for the Amana show so I can make reservations etc... Thanks in advance.
  19. Leroy, unless you want it re melted to try and save its size.
  20. does anyone have a copy of the photo where Buddy is holding a Mexican marble with oil dripping from his hand? (the wet mint superman I think was the title)
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