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Everything posted by Columbusrockhound

  1. The Newsletter isn't being published to the web site. This is something we've contemplated, but at this point in time, it isn't happening for a few reasons. The back issues can be purchased by anyone through the site, or at a show. Of course, current issues go out to all members in print form, as published.
  2. Not machine made. However disturbed during production, there is a certain consistency to machine made flame tips. Distorted layers of strata remain relatively parallel. Those look as if they were a bit random in placement, with conflicting lines of direction.
  3. Resized some images in the gallery for consistency, and added some more Akro, Vitro, and a few others, as well as some packaging in Akro, Master, Vitro, and a couple others. Much more to come.
  4. I Added a few more Classics this morning. http://westvirginiamarblecollectorsclub.com/identification/?cat=23 I also added two to the Jabo 'misc.' Category. I've got a ton more pics to crop and load in a number of categories. Hopefully have them up sometime between now, and Mon. night. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. It's not complete, or at least not as full as I'd like it to be, but wanted to share regardless. Updates will be ongoing, so the term 'complete' is a misnomer in the first place. I hope you like. http://westvirginiamarblecollectorsclub.com/ Jeff
  6. I saw those. I also thought they were tumbled. Dremel huh? Interesting. They might be salvageable if they were ground and polished, but then again, would it be worth the effort?
  7. Yep. It'sa no good. I received the marble today. It is not a true "Guinea", but a hand made reproduction. There are four determining factors. The first being the lack of a cut line, or seam. This has not been replicated with reproductions, and the authentic ones will have one, or two as a part of machine production. The second being a lighter than normal amber base. The third being the color splotches have pooling of a darker hue near the center of each splotch, which is common with hand made, and didn't happen on the authentic, originals. The final thing is the surface texture, and differences in this surface, vs what occurs in the machine mades. Tiny blemishes, and air pops are distinctively that of a hand made marble, and differ in structure from that of a machine made. No reply yet. Thank Pay Pal for Buyer protection.
  8. Yes, I got them. I got this one too, but it really looks like a contemporary. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-11-16-MINT-Guinea-Marble-/280875933898?pt=Marbles&hash=item416582a0caAgain, Pay Pal covers the buyer if it's no good.
  9. Just kidding. These are the real deal. Absolutely genuine.
  10. The second, single seam is only about 19/32", and has a cluster of flakes at one pole, measuring over 1/8".
  11. Total fakes! Here's the first, larger of the two. About 5/8", two seam.
  12. For the sake of posting this event, What is the title of this show?
  13. Three day run. George shut it down at about 2:00 A.M. He said they were tossing in any colors they could find.
  14. Maybe the buyer will immediately get his money back, once he makes a determination from a hands on perspective? I felt the first one looked hokey. The second won was cheap enough. Hopefully they will pass, for my sake.
  15. I used to sit on the old lock wall in Reno, back in the '80's. 20lb test was tested, and failed many times.
  16. I think he means the marble has true red, and seperate lines that are burnt. A true burnt has all burnt?
  17. Spoke to with Comfort Inn Last night. Blocked rooms are filling up, but some additional rooms will be given at special club rate. First come, best served. The deadline for reservations is Friday, March 30th, midnight. If you're on the fence about coming, let me help you decide. This show is going to be great. The show room is fabulous. Many club announcements, enhancements, and more. Much more. You won't want to miss this show. If you make it, or not, remember I told you so. http://www.comfortinnmarietta.net/ Rt 77, Marietta exit 1. Rt. 7 north, one block on right, as seen from the freeway.
  18. I have one too, but it's just covered with mid/heavy damage. Well, it was. Rather than trash it, I did slip it in with my machine ground Jabo project. I was leaning Vitro. Really stunning marble.
  19. I'm sorry. My post makes no sense. The line where I say those were not Buckeye was a typo, in reference to another run. I thought I fixed it. I believe those others are actually great examples of Buckeye.
  20. Thanks Steve. I identified those tributes right off the bat. The remaining marbles are not, and are not Buckeye run either. Short of painstakingly trying to match them up to past runs is something I would like to resolve, but cannot at this time. Hence, my reluctance to reply with merely partial information. Those others could be Buckeye run.
  21. Classy moves from sellers dumping as if they're life was about to end, to this... http://www.ebay.com/...=item19ca26c353
  22. Okay, Gold Metal (Rick's listings)...Gold Medal. It seems unclear, but would guess the latter, unless a word play is happening on this run name.
  23. Spring, '05 Jabo. http://cgi.ebay.com/...=item20b822a53c Look closely. Pick the right pattern, and call it what you like.
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