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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Any ideas?

    .... but that IS what the colors reminded me of.
  2. Welcome. We'll do our best to help.
  3. Vitro Tri-Lites. I don't know if they have any other name.
  4. It certainly would be more than "near mint". If the flaws ARE indeed as made, then of the available terms to describe it "mint" would be the only apt term that I know of. So I would have no problem with saying "mint" followed by a description of the as-made flaws.
  5. Steph

    Any ideas?

    Hello. Welcome. I am pretty sure I have seen these ID-ed as Master by reputable collectors. The colors are so bright I wonder if it could be something else. But Master is the best option I have at the moment.
  6. How old is this guy? When was he a kid? If he was a kid in the 70's/80's I suppose they could be from then. But they could also be from last year. Modern Asian.
  7. Absolutely Imperial no doubt to me
  8. I think it could be a Vacor Sunset. Here are most of mine. Quite a range of variation within the basic color pallette.
  9. I think predominantly modern. For example, I believe this to be one from my favorite Vacor style. A Sunset. I also think Vacor on the blue-based ones you highlighted.
  10. I think Marble King Beach Ball on the first. I also am unsure on the second.
  11. In the 1873_001 document. Good catch. If that was a test for the rest of us to see if we would miss those sections, then we failed.
  12. Some lovely marbles there. Welcome.
  13. Peltier actually did name a marble Sunset ... back in 1930-ish. It was part of the National Line. But few people know that and we don't call them that. As Gladys said, to us Sunset is a name we use for some Rainbos.
  14. Hi. Welcome. The history is my favorite part of collecting. I have read a lot about tournaments. Looking forward to some interesting exchanges.
  15. White generally counts as a color for Akro. For instance, the Akro Prizename -- a two-color cork. Many are white with one other color. And the Tri-Color Agate ... most of those have white and two other colors. Some of the Tri-Color Agates have three non-white colors, but most of the time white is part of the color count.
  16. China on top. Glazed China I think. Then Benningtons. Then Fancy Benningtons. Then two that I shall call clays. The left one might get some discussion going. But I'm going to say easy clay on the right, the sort of clay that was called a "commie" back in the day, short for "common".
  17. How could anyone object? Thank you for sharing your father with us.
  18. I'm actually surprised and pleased to see that the consensus is back to Peltier for these. I have watched the alleged-Kokomo train picking up steam and I'm glad to hear that maybe things have slowed down and even gone in reverse.
  19. Not 100%. Mostly it's to try to figure out the seams, with a gentle reminder that most of us would just put them all together and not worry about it too much. Uranium base will get Akro. Blending of colors in the patch can point to Master. Another example of the blurred lines of trying to ID marbles made by people who were integral to the work at one company and then went over and started making marbles at another company.
  20. Agree. I think four early and maybe one later but not getting a handle on an age for that bottom right one.
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