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Posts posted by Steph

  1. Swirls aren't generally thought of as having seams.  All swirls technically have two cutlines, but often the cutlines are hidden inside the swirl, so it's not a thing that's considered often for that type of marble. 

    I'd say good chance Alley.

    Also, what does it look like backlit?

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  2. A. I would have been torn between Champion and Alley.


    B.  Good question!  Would quality control have let that through?  I don't know the answer.  But quality control was pretty good back then.  I know it's just a toy, but it's a toy that the kids needed to think was good for their marble games.  So hmmm?

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  3. 5 hours ago, Anthem4163 said:

    Thanks for confirmation.  If I may ask, is it color and/or pattern or just experience in picking out Jabo from older machine-mades?

    Mostly pattern, and the balance between the colors.  In an older swirl, there's usually a clear argument for which color is the base glass and which is the ribbon.  That distinction frequently gets lost in Jabos.   

    Another thing is how many colors you're picking up in your photos.  The more shades, the more likely you're looking at a Jabo.

    This one for instance.  It actually has a relatively distinct white "ribbon" in the left view, but look at all those shades in the right view.


  4. Dayang!!

    I got a super late start on veggies this year.    No explosions.  But I finally got some veggie plants  in the ground.  AND ... I have flowers!!!  So very new to me.  Pretty simple for now.   But foxgloves and lupines and bellflowers and milkweed and and and .... 

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  5. I am not aware of marble manufactures making paperweights. I suppose Peltier could have.  They made a whole lot of things.   And there might have been Italian or German manufactures who did both but I wouldn't know any names.  

    I visited a paperweight forum once, doing research on how what we call sulphides got that name.   It had finally occurred to me that whatever was happening in marbles had generally been happening in a bigger way with paperweights.   

    It was a positive experience.

    So that would be my best advice.  I don't remember the name of the forum I visited all those years ago, but surely you could find a good one with an internet search. 


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  6. Pelt for sure. 

    I don't know about cuts, but the colors are classic.  Another clue is the  flip-flop color distribution.  Yellow on top on the left, white on top on the right.


  7. Pelt Rainbo on the green.   Possibly pre-cat's eye but could overlap.

    Not sure about  the yellow.  I'm thinking either interesting Pelt ... or interesting Marble King.  If Marble King, then I'm thinking modern.  Some of those modern MK cats got pretty shredded.  I'll bump the thread and root for Pelt for you. 

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  8. This could be a question of who currently polishes marbles with machines.  

    Or it could be a question of how to do light touch-ups at home.   I remember hearing of people polishing by hand.  But I don't know the details. 

    And I know of someone who has used water-soluble polymer to make the surface quite presentable. 

    And @Kimbernugs has been working with resin:  



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